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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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What's wrong with being blond? *Looks professionally at sheet of paper* Statistically, I do not see any correlation between your hair colour and intelligence level. Except in meepits of course.

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Xepha was here.


Boohoo... back to Uni today! It was so boring this morning, and I've an exam this afternoon (Notes and book allowed, so it's not that bad) Should finish early though ;D

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I seem to be naturally unlucky, so everything that could possibly go wrong goes wrong around me. Solid proof for Murphy's Law.

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Actually I'm generally neutral. It stops me having to deal with static charges all the time.

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*Looks down at online users list* Wow only one here *starts to talk to self.


"Hi self" gets no reply, "Mabey you didn't hear me but i said hi self." "Oh hi How are you?" "I'm good."


Okay i'm done now...

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