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Giovanni Gale

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Its not that you can't, anyone with a vivid imagination can write. You're just lazy, buy a composition notebook and shut off the PC for an hour a day. You'd be suprised at what you can write.

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Well you could do it during school when there's nothing to do. Or now, you're just talking on the boards here, you could be writting. You never know what you could come up with if you just take the time to create it. I think it is selfish to keep your imaginations to yourself, share them with the world.

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I have a lot of various occupations, but the ones that will always stay are tweaking my computer, reading books, and writing stories.

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Levy, I think you are right... everybody can write. And being away of the computer and in contact with the world help. I remember spending my math classes writting in the back of the class, lol. I stopped writting when my childhood friend stopped giving me feedback because she was too busy to spend time with me.

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I haven't heard of it, but I'll poke around sometime.


I don't need to be away from the computer to write - I write using the computer.

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I prefer using a word processor because it allows me to write/edit much faster and more easily (the spelling/grammar checks don't make much difference 'cos I'm already an ace at those). I also write in notebooks and on pieces of paper if the computer's not available, but my bone/muscle problem really slows down the speed at which I can write.

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I don't know...

I like to doddles in notebooks, all around my writting XD It's something you can't do on computer. Plus it looks more personnal... Only my thoughts about it.


Anyway, I've stopped writting as I said.

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Heh, I don't do doodles, as my drawing sucks sooo badly. AA3 doodles when he writes though, as well as when he's supposed to be studying or doing his homework.

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Well, I'm just going to say this one time, and one time only. I'll only be using TDN for the Survival contest. Once that's over, there's a very good chance that I won't be back. Due to a certain member of this forum, I've lost all urge to come here anymore. So, yeah. I doubt anyone cares, anyways. You guys can always contact me on MSN, Yahoo or AIM. I only check my Yahoo email, though. *sighs* A shame that someone had to ruin this joyous site for me.

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...ever considered that the person I'm referring to might have connections to someone in power? *sighs* Doesn't matter.


Change of topic!


So, since Halloween is coming round, I was wondering what everyone's favorite candy is.

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