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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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Quick, what's 2 + 2?! Yeah, I'm special. I love a good math problem. If I can't figure it out, I'll go online and look for a walkthrough. :wink:

Same here, I like math problems, and I generally don't take very long to figure them out. However, if I run into a really tough one, I'd rather spend hours and hours staring at a piece of paper than give up and look for help.

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I'm really quite stubborn - I usually won't accept any sort of help, not even indirect help.

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Lol, i'd rather get help. It's not that i'm lazy, I like to get things done quickly then rack my brain later and see if I can think of where I went wrong on things. :P

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Well basically I'm extremely arrogant, stubborn and headstrong, and I'd very much prefer to get things done myself. That's why I don't do well in teams...

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I like groups... *nods* My future job will imply working with groups ;)

Oh and hum... I'm usually quiet in groups, only talk when I've something important to say or if I see that things are going crazy I'm the one who will yell to shut up XD

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Im more of an Mixed person.


I enjoy working solo or in a Team though it depends on what I'm doing.



If I was doing an essay, I rather write it being alone, rather tahn in a group.


Like last weekend, My work was going to a catholic primary school to tidy their garden (plant flowers, make afew stone seats, clear the nettles etc), Basically outdoors activity things. It makes you work as a Team and you have fun while doing it.

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I'm co-writing a story with two other friends at school right now. I guess I work okay in groups, but only on topics/tasks that I can accept I'm not exceptionally good at.

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I'm okay at writing, but in the company I'm in at my school and here on TDN, I'm far outclassed.

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If I can't get a story to go where I want it to I just let it flow of its own accord. They usually turn out better that way.

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