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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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If you get a reasonable amount of sleep, but not enough, then you'll just have the usual symptoms of sleep deprivation.

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We were talking about superpowers, and Vivi mentioned he had the master ability of laziness and sleep, and then it carried on from there.

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Yes! I finally got my crashed computer fixed! My father brought it down to the police department for the technical guy to fix, and after a few weeks it's finally finished. Apparently he had to wipe out the whole system and upgrade it into Windows 2000 something. I had a 1999 model before the upgrade. Also, it looks so awesome on my wide screen monitor.

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((I want to try to figure out what my characters say in normal conversation, so I will talk like two people for a while.))


Kait: *Comes with 5 bags of Taco Bell*

Levy: Uhhh, hi Kait.

Kait: LEVY! Whe did you get here?

Levy: <_<

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*throws Kait in a closet and pins the door shut with a chair*


Michael: Quiet down and cool off. Maybe if you're good, I'll let you out before the end of the week.

Levy: That's so not cool...

Michael: Do you want to join her?!

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*stands up, growls, lunges at you and duck tapes you to the chair, placing the chair directly in front of the TV*


Michael: You really shouldn't have done that, Levy. Now you'll have to pay for it.


*duck tapes Levy's eyes open, turns on a movie and smirks*


Michael: Maybe an hour or so of Gigli will make you more compliant.


*laughs maniacally as I leave the room*

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Kait: *Opens closet and shoots Michael with a pistol she found in the closet.* Ha!

Levy: Kait, untie me!

Kait: *Changes the movie to Barney.*

Levy: GAH!!!

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