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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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Yeah I think I slept 16 hours because the day before, i worked 10 hours (not working like typing on the PC, like living heavy stuff) So i got home and sorta collapsed.


so the Sunday routine was:

3am: get back from Mates party

3-6am - Sleep

7am - Start work

12pm - 20 mins break

5pm - Leave Work

5:45 - Dinner

6:45 - I just collapsed (well fell asleep)


So quite a hectic day

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You die if you don't sleep, that is a proven fact.


The most I have stayed up is two nights, ask Brittney, she tried to make me go to sleep back then. (She cares -_-)

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That's right. 'Cause you gotta let your lil' noggin' rest and refresh. If you don't, it'll go demented and kill you! Oh noes!

(That was really, really, really screwed up. I have to admit that.)


And to Dillon,

I go weight lifting at school. It's actually part of my schedule. It's called "Fitness Lab" or something of the likes. It's basically an exact thing of gym, except you get to do whatever you want pretty much in the fitness room.

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Well ours is before for school from 7-8 am. We have a specific weight room and we also have weight classes but you have to take gym 1 first.

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I can barely lift two kilos, so weightlifting is out of the question for me. And it's been proven that if you don't sleep for twelve days you die.

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It probably varies for different people, but after about five days you start to go crazy, and after twelve you die. If you get enough sleep, however, the craziness wears off.

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