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Giovanni Gale

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Seriously have to try that site once I get home... I never get to watch anime anymore... I have Bleach on my PC waiting to be watched, But with work and life outside of work, I never ever get time to sit down and WATCH....

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I can understand that. I like to have my laptop sitting right next to my bed using a wireless connection so that I can watch anime until I fall asleep. Last night, though, I fell asleep while watching Red Vs. Blue. XD

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Im hardly never on Neopets, I prolly go back if there was a plot, because they're the only things I like now-a-days.


But yeah now i spend my time, watching Films.TV on my PC without downloading (http://www.alluc.org/alluc/)

Or just playing my PS2.


Best dancing game Ever = Parappa the rapper :D

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Yeah they're not my fav, I have no fav, It alls depends on my mood

Bored = I go arcade type like Dancing or Racing etc

Angry or Stressed = Beat them up or Hack and Slash

The Serious type = Skill games such as Hitman or Splinter cell


Any other time, I play RPG's, like Final Fantasy etc.


Though for my Bday im getting a Wii (Only console which can play Mario, (and there are some cool games coming)

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I love my Wii. And by love I mean in the physical sense. I mostly play strategy games on my PC though. Civilization 4, Command and conquer, Warlords 3 is my all time fave though.


It scares me that some of you probably could barely read when I started playing Warlords. It was roughly 10 years ago. 10 years! Holy Bob!

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Kal, you're only eight years older than me. But, I've never had a chance to play that game. I mainly play games like Dynasty Warriors, or Final Fantasy Tactics (the only FF game I'll play). *shrugs*

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It's still a good game.. Warlords 4 was a little sucky, But 3 still holds its own considering its age... Some of the early games are apparently abandonware now, though I couldn't tell you which ones they are, I've not looked... Of course I already own the two I need...

Seriously... All my friends are roughly twenty, They all refer to me as the old man... Hah.

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Warlorders - Has free downloads of 1 and 2... Don't recall if they're any good though, I've not played those in FOREVER... 3 is still under copyright I think, but I'm sure someone out there has it for download.. Probably in torrent form. Not that I would ever suggest doing something illegal, I'm just saying...

4 might still be for sale some places, Who knows? they released a patch for it as late as '06, Haven't played the patched version but I'm told it actually makes the game PLAYABLE! which would be a miracle...

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So bored, I am.

And I'm still waiting to see if Nintendo will stop taunting us with Metroid Dread. I mean, they keep on saying that it's not in production, but they keep giving away hints that it is. Some hints are even found in Metroid Prime 3! When you scan a certain object, it says something about Metroid Dread nearing completion. Urg.

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I didn't just SAY that you were obsessed with Nintendo, Metroid. Of COURSE you're not obsessed with Nintendo. WHY ARE YOU EVEN SAYING THAT I THINK THAT ABOUT YOU?! *shifty eyes*

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It's still a good game.. Warlords 4 was a little sucky, But 3 still holds its own considering its age... Some of the early games are apparently abandonware now, though I couldn't tell you which ones they are, I've not looked... Of course I already own the two I need...

Seriously... All my friends are roughly twenty, They all refer to me as the old man... Hah.


The Command and Conquer series was my first RTS experience - and I quite liked it (started at the age of seven :P ). The only game of that type that I really find worth playing now is Ground Control (not Real Time Strategy but Real Time Tactics), it was released back in 2000 but it's still one of the best in my opinion.

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I'm sorry, it was just an earlier post I wanted to comment on. I think Myriad is just being sarcastic, i.e. she's saying Metroid is obsessed with Nintendo.

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Never mind that - Myriad was just using sarcasm to say that Metroid was obsessed with Nintendo, and we'll leave it at that. Now let's bandage up those bruises.


While we're on that, we might as well talk about school sick bays. My school's one sucks. It's one bed and that's about it.

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We don't even have a nurse - the school clerk manages it, so I hear that if we're really tired/sleepy we can just fake a headache and go sleep for a while - unless somebody else has already taken the bed that is.

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