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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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Favourite MMO is City of Villians. Can't play at the moment. Got's no money. When I get rich again, THEN I'll rebuy my account. It sucks, Don't know if you guys have ever played, but they give rewards for every three months you've played. I was about to get my one year rewards (WINGS! Freaking sweet looking they are too!) and then I had to cancel my account. Didn't even get to play with them! But luckily they'll still be there when I log back in. Might try for christmas, They do fun events on christmas.

I don't think age is what makes you an adult. I'd suggest responsibility and common sense do. I'm 27, But I have 20 year old friends I'd still consider kids. I also know a couple of 16 year olds I'd consider adults simply because they're sensible and responsible and have there stuff together.

A lot of the crime increases are illusionary. It seems like more people are committing crimes because the news is reporting it more, because they're making more money off of being more shocking. The onion ran a skit a few weeks ago about how news reporters make things more shocking just to drum up ratings, but it was definately rated PG13 to R so I shan't repeat it here.. You can go hunt it down though.

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I don't play any MMO's, since I've not enough time or energy. I'm always tired, and can't get myself to do anything productive or entertaining. *sighs* Occasionally I still play runescape, and I got my level to 42. I don't get to play too often, though. *sighs*

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Wow. People still play RS around here. I used to play a long time ago, it was like...the first online game I've ever played. Graphics are terrible. The only thing I'd say good about it was that there was actually more to it then fighting and leveling up. Fishing, making food, making weapons..That's why I actually made it up to level 56 and then realized it was a waste of time.

I haven't been on in 3? years. Do they delete your account afterward a certain time? *shrugs*

Well my fav MMORPG was Silkroad. I played it 24/7. Until my dad disinstalled it, I rarely got on neopets.

It's F2P, can download from website, www.silkroadonline.net.

It's very addicting, but it's mostly about doing quests and leveling up. You can also be in a guild, do trade runs, become a thief/hunter.

Another one of my fav's was Granado Espada. Very, very complex in the beginning, but you get used to it after a while. Here is the American version: www.swordofthenewworld.com Partially F2P, I think you can only get up to level 20 until you need to buy premium.

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Not Runescape, its in the browser. Its a Java-based program.

But that little aspect of it make it easy for preteens to get on it because most the time their parents don't want them to download a huge MMO. Those little preteens are so annoying, they just crowd around Lumbridge and beg for money, items, or relationships. o_O

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If you know them for YEARS, play MMOs like FF and RO, constantly talk on MSN, and etc... you'll know its a good relationship.



And took the time to make this double avatar, this is talent right here. ^


BTW, Dan and Val have met each other in person if you were curious, even though Dan is in Denmark and Val is in Canada. Long distance relationships can work.

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Not I dont care about that im talking about people just like this:


Girl: WANNA BE A COUPLE???!????!

BOY: sure!!!1111!

Girl: Wat 2 do???!??


Yeah Yeah chatspeak buts its what they do.

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