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Giovanni Gale

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In Ten years, I'll know i be owning my own business (well co-owning with someone i know, but still owning)

(This ten years would have been a cool topic to start, may have to soon)

Yeah, this would've been a cool topic to start...


Anyway, in 10 years I'll have graduated from medical school and probably be almost finished with specialty training too... not that I know which specialty I want to do yet but oh well lol

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I think people are made evil, but then again I refuse to believe in pre-destination and fate. All I know is concrete is the certainty of we live every day until we die one day, from there everything gets murkier. Also, who needs set topics in a place to be random? -Hops on a pogo stick and chases a cheetah-

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Cheese is pretty tasty though... Random post on a random board... Bah. I'm too sensative to these things...


Anyways. No one is born evil. I'm a nurture type of guy. Sure genetics come into play, and there are people more inclined to perform acts we would consider evil, But that doesn't make them evil, what makes them evil is crossing the line and performing said acts, and the way to avoid that is to teach them that such behaviour is not acceptable. We all have the power to rise above our genetic heritage and be what we want to be. Of course, its possible we want to be evil.


Now. Does anyone have any candy holding babies, so I may steal said candy?

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[deepboomingvoice]You fools! No-one can determine the true origin of evil, evil has been around since before the dawn of time! Any true villain should know that evil's secrets are its own to disclose! Concentrate on taking over the world![/deepboomingvoice][evillaugh]Muahahahaha![/evillaugh] :devil:

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She is now riding a black and white striped horse.


Also know as a zebra.


you know, I just realized the other day that my sister says 'hyena' as 'hyhena' (stress on the second H) because she actually thought that's how it was said...

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You know, I just realized the other day that my sister says 'hyena' as 'hyhena' (stress on the second H) because she actually thought that's how it was said...


When I was younger I would always stress the h in herb instead of saying it with a silent h. I do it now and after I say it, I feel illiterate. I used to play Zelda on the old nintendo and there was a herb in the game.

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Speaking of zebras... has anyone ever seen the "Lions and Tigers" cartoon thingy? here


I got a lot of people at school hooked on that song. it became quite annoying

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Some random vid of some random thing.

-Throws a thousand bobombs into the air-

Yay for boom-boom rain!

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You mean like how I get impatient waiting for months at a time for a new game like SSB Brawl or MP3 or Halo 3 or FFXIII or such? Yeah, I have a simple remedy to my waiting, it's called corporate raids and holding execs hostage.

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