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I've heard of stuff like that- But Onion router?

Also known as TOR, Its called the onion router 'cos of how it works. Basically it routes your internet request to another computer, that then routes it to another one and so on, until it reaches the one it wants, And then sends the information you requested back to your computer, Thus masking you behind "layers" (Hence onion... See Shrek for details) of computers. It's wholly random which path you take and which final computer you get, so your IP is different each time, And no one can tell where the original request was sent. It could have come from any of the computers in the group it went through. No one can be blamed because theres no way to prove who actually sent the request.

Google it.. This is not a great explanation... hah. But it's kinda awesome.


Only problem with any of that is that as soon as google realizes we start getting millions of clicks, they're going to figure out what happening and not pay. We cant even tell you to click on the ads.


Yeah which is why you just click on them.


Dangit, we're young online rebels.. Trying to buck the system. Or something that rhymes with that anyways! Mind you, how would Google know that you weren't getting that many clicks.. you could just start it off slow and build up to thousands of clicks a day over a couple of weeks. They'd have no way to tell those people weren't all really clicking them...


Yes but if googles spiders are reading this then they know.

He just said that some people make programs to repeatably search Google for the same thing, which I don't see a purpose to do so.

Well the story goes like this:


A large, very rich company (eg. Nike) pays Google a huge sum of money. In return, for the next, say, 10 million times someone makes a certain search (eg. "shoes") on Google, Nike's website will be the first hit on the list. Now, if you were one of Nike's competitors, and you desperately needed to get rid of Nike's advantage, what would be the simplest way you could do so while still remaining on the right side of the law? Write a program that Googled "shoes" 10 million times. It's quite smart actually.

I dont know if anyone would care, but i got diamond yesterday




Ahhhh your post was lost in the middle of the random random ads convos!! Poor little message!

Is Diamond cool?


I think he means Pokemon Diamond.


I might get either Diamond or Pearl. I used to love Silver version.


*Thinks to self* Which is more manly? A diamond or a pearl? X3.gif


I didn't play Pokemon since the gold version... and it was on my sister's game boy. I think she lent it to somebody (the game boy) and it never came back, lol.


D/P are a fair bit better than the ones before it. THe touch screen stuff anf WiFi capabilities really ended up being the kick in the rear the games needed to keep from going under when season 10 hit. Of course, I'm sure you could find better still for a game, but it's gonna live for now. xD


With my silver version I almost caught all the pokemon. I can't get anymore cause I don't got a working 2-way connector cord to get the ones from the 1st generation. and several only found on Gold.


Most people don't ctch all of them. It's a big undertaking to go after all the Trainer Card stars.


Ah, man. Now you're talking! Pokemon Blue FTW!


Anime changed one of my (Amazing) analogies in Staff Chat which used Pokemon Red and Blue, as an example, to all the newer versions. :P


But lets face it:

Bulbasaur_pokemon_red.png is totally better than n06_0715_ad04.jpg.

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