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Giovanni Gale

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WOW, that sounds illegal, I mean how can they make you only use pen, even for math and stuff? we are only allowed to use pencil for math

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WOW, that sounds illegal, I mean how can they make you only use pen, even for math and stuff? we are only allowed to use pencil for math


My math teacher gets all angry and whatnot when pens are used in my math class.

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My math teacher gets all angry and whatnot when pens are used in my math class.

Our math teacher takes points off class prep or something for using pen, so we actually loose points and she gets ticked.

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I'm back and alive!


I got a new belt (I have 4 others, but one's too wide, one's kinda tight, one's more an acessory, and the last is falling apart), a new necklace, braclet, and earrings. And 2 books and a cookie.

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I'm back and alive!


I got a new belt (I have 4 others, but one's too wide, one's kinda tight, one's more an acessory, and the last is falling apart), a new necklace, braclet, and earrings. And 2 books and a cookie.

so it wasn't that bad was it? :P

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