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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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you need A email yes, but you dont need an email by the maker of the program.

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well with trilian you can sign on to like tleast 3 messengers at once.. but i dont use it.. dont care for it.. dont know much about windows live accept the fact that it haveing windows in the name turns me off from it, lol i have no real opnion way way or the other simply becuase i havnt used it like i have all the others


BF just informed me that you can also add msn/windows live people on yahoo as well. so i guess those people can talk to each other fine..

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they aer workign ofr me, earlier i had to refresh tho


you can do the multiple account thing on trillain, multiple acounts on multiple messengers, or even just on one.. but like i said i dont like how it runs i prefer using 2 diff programs


you can also make seprate profiles on yahoo underthe same account shich you can also send and resive messages with that name while logged into your main one..


handy if you have split personalities, lol

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lol sorry that was typo city on that sentance.


yes they are working for me but earlier they didnt show and i had to refresh but they are there and fine now..

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oo i thought you ment the images, yea the webpage isnt showing..

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lol i aprently just like messing with your head, haha. i didnt go check the page itself until you actully mentoined that it was the page

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