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well its not as bad as you think.... u get used to the weather... if you go up north more its even colder durring winter... There is always lots and lots of snow here :D lol


No-one plays baseball here XD


Its been cold recently here. it was boiling in July though.


I meant we have unpredictable weather, Mikey. :)


The nearest we have is Softball which only seems to get played in schools. XD.


What would you say the popular sport is in the UK, Samuel? Football? (Soccer. ;))


Last winter we got NO snow at all. But it was FREEZING cold and I can't beleive they didn't cancel school!


THis summer I went to a camp in Michigan and it was really really cold in the morning and some crazy people would actually take showers in the morning.


Lately it's been really cold compared to usual... I had to sleep with a comforter!


It's not actually that bad I suppose... if you don't stay outside for a long time... I envy those of you who get snow though... I've never really touched snow...aside from going skiing... sad... :sad01_anim:


I'd kick my comforter off the floor if I used it. XD

I tend to mangle anything that's on my bed when I'm asleep. ^_^


Snow is super cool. I get it a lot in the winter.


I can ski!! Yay!!


I can't remember the last time we got actual snow here. It ices over in the winter but that's about it.


I play football (Soccer, to all you illinformed nitwits) at school every lunchtime, come rain or shine (But we're off the topic of weather...). I like basketball and tennis, too.


But I'm not really a sporty person.


I don't Play any sports...I am one of those super genius intellectual types who can act really slow sometimes :D I am a master at chess, so I will say that that is my sport!

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