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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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well im in in school/college, but my favourite used to be Technology, we were designing stuff for our coursework and iff we never finish we used to work extra after school etc, or when it was due in, and the teacher would always bring us food and drink.


and English for one month because 1 month before our final exam our teacher took a month off as he had 80 mouth ulcers, and we looked through hjis cupboard and found his toothbrush, sleeping bag and trainers, he lived there

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kinda unfair, we were plannign on opening frogs up, but something happened and we couldn't, but funny story with a bunsen burner


someone in my class (a troublemaker) was burning paper, and the teachet came in and said to him "if you want to burn something, burn your house down, with you in it" quite funny

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Frogs arent that bad, theres no blood or anything, and if your lucky, there wont be anything in their stomachs. And when you first cut into them, watch out, the somethimes squirt, One kid im my class got it all over his face :P

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