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Giovanni Gale

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I have no game system, becides a Game Boy Advanced. For me they seem to get old way to fast, I am happy with my laptop, I mean how can you get tired of the internet, or playing pinball! (well you can get tired of pinball, but its always something fun to do when you don't have internet access)

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The highest score I got was about 1.2million, but I only play it when I'm really bored and there's nothing else to do.

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eerrrmmm, dunno what to say, but one very good topic is Camping


have you been camping recently, did anything funny happen to you


i have 2 funny tales

1. Farmers don't like it when you camp on their land, and make sure you do whatever he says (or hides when he comes by) because they own Shotguns

2. When making a camp fire, don't put eggs in, because Eggs Explode

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well i dont remember lol it's been such a long time since the last time i went camping. I used to go camping to the beach with my family. I remember at my old school they used to organize camping trips and a lot of families would go. It was a lot of fun!!! Well, we went to a beach once where the currents were very strong and it almost sucked us in the sea. It was scary, but we laughed afterwards.

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I've never camped.....lol....feel lft out in this conversation

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Isabel, when me and my friends went, we were going to have eggs in the morning, he bring a fying pan, i bring teh eggs, well he forgot to bring the pan.


so when we had a fire in the evening, we placed one in, came out just like a normal hard boiled egg, the second, we forgot about, then all talking and then BOOM loads of embers went flying when it exploded. quite funny really

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I have three kind of in a chain....


Day before 7th grade started, I missed my footing on the stairs and fell, and hurt my foot some. And my mom, dad, and brother were watching. And I was wearing a mini skirt. >.<


6 weeks later, I slipped on a blanket in my room (don't ask how I slipped on a blanket on carpet...) and hurt the same foot. Not wearing a skirt this time though. @_@


And one time I was going downstairs and my brother and one of his friends were watching me. SO, I was acting all high and mighty and not watching my footing. I ended up getting my foot caught in my jeans and sliding down 5 stairs on my knees before I got a good enough grip on the banister to stop myself. They were cracking up. I always look at the stairs when going down now.....

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