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Why doesn't Wikipedia allow fansites?


Random topic change: Do you use air conditioning or heaters? I'm using air conditioning.


Right now currently in my house, the heat is on. But if you were wondering what we use, in my house we use both, AC in the summer, and Heat in the winter.


If you use a heater here in Malaysia, you'll get lots of weird looks.


We used to have a fireplace at my old house then we moved, and we don't. :(


We used to have a fireplace when we lived in NZ... but in Malaysia it isn't much use having a fireplace.


Word of the Day

Today's Neopian Word of the Day is: Cheese


That's my kind of day! :D


Aah. Fireplace melted cheese. Now that's something to think about *dreams*.


Ch-ch-ch-cheese dip!!!!!!! *plunges into fireplace* Brr, a little chilly in here.

so you know Mira in real life?

I don't know anyone from these forums in real life. And she said Mia, not Mira. XD


Barbecued cheese, roasted cheese, frozen cheese, cheese-dipped cheese...

Any other weird kinds of cheese?

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