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:O Anime gets an icy roads day off school. -..- Not Fair.


oh ok good, b/c I love snow, especially when we get off school xD


Oh, I really suck at that game. I always trip on the jumpy thingies.


I don't really see how you could break your keyboard keys. The keyboard maybe, but not the keys.


*Cough* It's supposed to snow where I live tonight because it's really cold outside and the weather man said it would and people say it will also. Snow is really cool and pwnsome. It's so pwnsome it's leet. Rock on.


:O NOT FAIR, but we are supposed to get a coating tonight. XD I can't wait, maybe if I get super lucky we shall get a delay, and I shall get to sleep in, EVERYONE CROSS YOUR FINGERS FOR ME. :P


man i had to walk home from school taking the bus errr it was soooooooo cooldd tooo. i hate snoww <_<


Your ranking for what?


The members list thingyy?


Oh yeah, TJ, you know you display picture, the 24 thing, is that for the show called "24"?

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