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That could be it. For now, my dailies are done, and I'm reading the Times.


My room is never clean. Even when I get the time to clean it its not clean :D I just stuff everything in the cupboard so it looks clean...


I used to go the under the bed way. xD AN closet. I still do, but no where near as bad. Most things have general area they end up out of habit.


I can't put stuff under my bed :( Mum decided that under my bed was the best place to store the extra carpet from when we had my room recarpeted. So now there's no more space under there!


My stuff goes whever I can fit it- so I usually have it organized anyway


Same. Everything gose in the same general area, and if you look for it, no dice. I look, I get it in about 2 seconds.


Same. If I try to put everything in order, I go to look for it where I'm used to it and not being able to find it. >.<

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