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Giovanni Gale

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Whenever we had snow our school never closed :( Bah!

I missed half of years 10 and 11 and still passed my GCSE's, a couple of days catching up wouldn't be too bad :P Plus everyone would be off school, meaning everyone would be in the same boat ^_^

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We went through phases when we had lots of snow days. I remember one year, we had so many, they had to add a couple days onto the end of the year. Then we got a superintendent from Alaska, and we rarely had snow days while he was around.

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Last year we had lots of snow days- and one day, we were even sent home from school early, which hadn't happened in I don't even know how many years!

That same year, we lost a day from our spring break because of all the snow days we had. (The calendar allots three snow days and I think we had like four or five)

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Schools never close here if it snows. We have those big machines that clean snow up. And even if they don't clean it up, we still have school. And buses.

This year, we hadn't had a SINGLE DAY OF SNOW! It's not normal! I bet it will start snowing in february and then spring will be late and summer won't be hot and and .. :grrr: :grrr: :grrr:

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And then it snows in summer and you're stuck playing video games inside for 3 months.


Haha yeah. 3? We have 2 months of summer holidays. Well, July & August + 6 days in June. I love snow. Really love it. But winter is winter and spring is spring and summer is summer. If you know what I mean :)

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I got my very first Nick/Nc card today, I am trying to decide which site you I should I choose; either Neopets or Petpet Park. I am also trying to find my old siggies around the site but I haven't found them yet. * Note to self: always keep your siggies' codes in a safe place* Lol :P

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I got my very first Nick/Nc card today, I am trying to decide which site you I should I choose; either Neopets or Petpet Park. I am also trying to find my old siggies around the site but I haven't found them yet. * Note to self: always keep your siggies' codes in a safe place* Lol :P


What do you mean by old siggies? Sigs like this one that Airiya made for you last spring? I found it in one of your old posts. You had a habit of putting your sig images in every one of your posts.


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What do you mean by old siggies? Sigs like this one that Airiya made for you last spring? I found it in one of your old posts. You had a habit of putting your sig images in every one of your posts.


Actually, that was not a habit. Back then, I didn't knew where to put my signature, so tried to put it on every post. And yes, like this one. :D
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I like my current siggie/avvie, and imma keep it for a while. It looks cool. I made one of my own, and it turned out terrible. xD


Speaking of nothing, what should my new display name be?

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'Ryan's slave.'

Just a suggestion.



HA! FINALLY! Got my dang Hibat to level 50 after many many months.

This is really good for me cause I have no steady source of income. I've always relied on prize shops and the stock market. Now im making a steady 60k a day. ^^

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Cool. ^^


I'm just so glad that i'm actually increasing my bank account again. Since Friday i've gone up 200k and i'm only 80k shy of 1mil. I haven't been this rich since the ACprize shop came out and I quick sold 3 or 4 stamps.

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When I was level 50 on my old account I could leave it on all night and collect the gems in the morning. Are you more likely to get locked out doing that now? Or are the chances the same as it's always been?


Ooh and Ryan - if you wanna make money fast (I'm sure you already know this) but KQ is excellent. If you ever wanna play a few games drop me a PM or something ^^

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I honesly hate Habi XD But it's such a good way to make monies it seems silly not to. Hard to turn your nose up to 100K a day :P at least for me!

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Yeah, i've noticed Khaos. Dont log on btw cause you'll have like 20 "kopakasheild5 raided your hibatarium and looted 25 wood" messages. :3



Thanks Saxen. ^^

I used to play a lot but it doesn't go very well on my new laptop so mini-games are super slow and I kinda like having more gold keys than all the others put together so i'm reluctant to give that up. x3

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*Whispers* That's what's so good about winning alternately :P If you ever fancy it lemme know ^_^


What are you on about Javi?? What happened to your account :S

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@javi: you'll get your account back for sure :)

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