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Giovanni Gale

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I shower everytime before I go to school to keep myself awake.

Problem is... I have to wake up even earlier! <_<


Even my mother ask me to eat some vitamins to help keep me awake,

but it doesn't help at all... I keep yawning. And I don't dare to sleep during class.


what's worse, sometimes I have extra activities (or CCA for Sweetdang), which usually ends around 6+.

I don't how I managed to keep myself awake these days. <_<

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umm...okay o.o

Today, I auditioned for a play and one of the parts of auditioning was improv/impersonations. Oh my lord I totally bombed that part. I did a Snooki impersonation. When I got home I regretted that so much because it wasn't even that good. :laughingsmiley:

I got all the halfway-decent ideas when I got home from school. Even if I used one of those ideas, no one would know what character I was doing unless I told them :|

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Lol. :P


I've never auditioned for a play, but i've been in a play. For one of them, I did this voice that sounded like you inhaled helium. xD I call it my special voice, and it creeps my HR teacher out when i do it. :P

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I've been in two plays before. My first play, I didn't do much more than sing and be in the background. The second play I did, I had two speaking roles. One of them was an unpopular, socially awkward girl who's the subject of rumours (and I also had to act pretty tough and powerful) and the other one was the older sister of one character.

I had to do quite a bit of yelling and sassing at other characters for both of the roles....especially the latter one, which required an audition.

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Tell me about it!


What's your CCA? I'm in Drama! :) Today I died in school. Never felt this tired before, not even when I slept only 2 hours the night before and woke at 4. :(

Too bad I'm not in drama. However, I'm in band!

Sometimes I feel tired, and sometimes I don't, depends.

And tell me about this year's SYF, we even had holiday and Saturday practices! <_<

(On normal weeks I only have Wed & Fri practices.)


2 hours??? The shortest I've slept is only 4 hours!

How did you manage to survive that?

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I was exhausted this morning, but so far, it's been a good day. It's my last day of work until Monday, my dad met me at my office before his training class started and took me for breakfast, and now, I just got my wish granted from the Wishing Well:



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But we used our auditorium! (Which has terrible lights, terrible acoustics, terrible Cyclorama, but it has AIR CON! :D And a 500 person seating all for our lonesome. :) )


Yes, Mondays are terrible :( And I tend not to eat breakfast - no time. But I love meal times with my family! You get lucky with wishes... You were the one with the past 10 granted wishes, weren't you D:

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Usually, my work weeks start on Sunday, but I'm taking this Sunday off. (I need it, because my work week started on Saturday this week, because I covered a co-worker's shift. I've already put in nearly 50 hours this week.)


I do well with wishes. I think it's around 10. I know I got 3 BGs, a Snorkle Snout and 5-6 stamps.

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I plan to catch up on sleep. By Wednesday mornings, I've highly tempted to toss my cell phone (I use it for an alarm) out the window and go back to sleep. :whistle: I'm hoping to go home and take a nap when I get off this afternoon, but usually by the time I get home on Wednesdays, I'm too awake.

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I've had times where I wanted to toss my phone out the window because the alarm was so annoying. I also hate it when I'm too tired and groggy to find the snooze button on my phone. When I previously used my alarm clock, I didn't even notice the snooze button was there :P

I used to wake up really early (with the help of an alarm) every single day several years back and was pretty much an expert at waking up early. Now, I've totally lost that skill. :/

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