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Giovanni Gale

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@ spritzie, yah same ALL the lockers in my JH have built in locks, besides the gym ones, I am not in band, so I don't know about them.

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Yup! I got my first lockers in grade 5, and I had two locks- one for my regular locker and another for my gym locker. I used both of those locks up until grade 8.

My regular lock was pretty beat up by the end of grade 5 but not bad enough to make me get it replaced (it's kind of a long and embarrassing story... it could easily be recognized by a few paint chips) but hey, it lasted me three and a half years. :woot:

With the high school, however, it would be safe to assume that since your locker changes every year, your combination does as well. I don't really like that concept as much as the "get a new lock your first year here and use it until you graduate" concept that I'm more used to.

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embarrassing story..... lol



Second day of school today, would you believe me if I said I have a rough draft of an essay due tomorrow, a few pages of notes, and a questionnaire, I somehow managed to finish in a few hours. :mellow:


@ spritzie srsly mine where supplied, if you broke it you payed 5$ for a new one...

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I would have refused to use a recycled lock for my band locker. When they used to supply locks for PE, they codes were actually kept in a rather accessible place and they had issues with things being stolen. With my instruments that I owned and were expensive, I wouldn't trust with a recycled lock.

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I remember that you had to pay something like $5-7 if you lost or severely damaged your lock. For the most part, everyone was really responsible with their locks. :P


I would've refused to use a recycled lock too, just because it could probably be defective or something. But when I took orchestra, I didn't have a locker for my violin because I quit in grade 4 (another embarrassing story) and the band/orchestra members didn't get their own instrument lockers until grade 5.


(I seem to have an abundance of embarrassing stories. :laughingsmiley:)

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I was never in an orchestra, nor bother with that type of stuff. I've taken music classes back middle and elementary school, but that's really it.

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We had built in locks in our locker too and were not allowed to put our own locks on the lockers or the locks would be cut off with bolt cutters. :rolleyes_anim: This way the administration could get into the lockers to search them whenever they needed/wanted. Gym lockers we had to bring out own though if you wanted to lock them, most people just didn't use a lock because then again if you left the lock on at the end of the day they would bolt cut it since the gym lockers were only for the period you had gym.


Our band room had a couch and air conditioning, I was always slightly jealous since I never really had a reason to go in there.

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The band and orchestra (as well as the after-school concert choir, which I was a part of) shared a huuuuge room at my middle school. (Like, probably the size of a small gym.)

The band would meet every other day, and on the days the band members had gym, the orchestra members would have orchestra.

There was also the music room, which was pretty big and it was always really hot in there. On one-hour-delay days, my friends and I went into the music room during recess and just derped around in there. It was fun. But then, apparently, we were too loud or something and everyone who didn't play a musical instrument wasn't allowed to go into the music room during recess. :|


I believe that I was allowed back in with some of my non-instrument-playing friends once or twice; we just had to be really careful not to make too much noise.

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I'm not nor have I ever been in orchestra, but i've been in the rooms for it before and they always have huge freaking lockers that im always tempted to hide in. :3


The band lockers varied in size, so the large instruments could have proper lockers, but they weren't being used for say, a clarinet or flute. Then there were huge cabinets for the drummers. I didn't get a larger locker until 8th grade when I had 2 instruments, one being a tenor sax.


We had built in locks in our locker too and were not allowed to put our own locks on the lockers or the locks would be cut off with bolt cutters. :rolleyes_anim: This way the administration could get into the lockers to search them whenever they needed/wanted. Gym lockers we had to bring out own though if you wanted to lock them, most people just didn't use a lock because then again if you left the lock on at the end of the day they would bolt cut it since the gym lockers were only for the period you had gym.


Our band room had a couch and air conditioning, I was always slightly jealous since I never really had a reason to go in there.


Our gym lockers were assigned at each quarter/semester. And after the end of the year, if locks were left, they cut them off.


The band and orchestra (as well as the after-school concert choir, which I was a part of) shared a huuuuge room at my middle school. (Like, probably the size of a small gym.)

The band would meet every other day, and on the days the band members had gym, the orchestra members would have orchestra.


In middle school, all of the music groups had their own room. The band and orchestra rooms were huge, the choir room wasn't quite so much. But they were all held every day. And with each grade, there were only 2 designated periods for electives, so they went on at the same time.

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The regular grade 7/8 chorus, which I was also a part of last school year, practiced in the cafeteria right before lunch. :P I know it wasn't all that long ago, but I have fond memories of being the first in line at lunch, and I usually got something relatively unhealthy like hot, soft cinnamon pretzels (which, by caf food standards, were top-notch), a pack of cookies or chips or a bagel with 2 butters (each butter was about the size of an Andes mint). I always brought a bottle of water with me because they cost a dollar at school.


I'm back in chorus for this year and since the high school has an auditorium, we practice in there. The seats in the auditorium are so much more comfortable, but I'll have to admit that I will miss sitting in those unbalanced, hard plastic chairs in the caf. :laughingsmiley:

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I don't have band (I have computers instead :/) But I take help class every thursday with like 30 other people. I was told there were only gonna be two students in there. o_O


HEY, guess what I just found out? I have to run a mile and 60 situps and 45 pushups every tuesday and thursday for gym class. :axehead:

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With my schools, grades were participation mostly. (We also had number grades for citizenship, which factored in attitude and such.) But in HS, things changed. They took things more seriously. Like one quarter of swim was required... you either took it, or had to test out. And you ran for 2/3 of the class twice a week. Also, if you missed a day of PE, it would affect your grade, so you either had to make it up during study hall, or during lunch. (It generally took a few to affect your grade enough to drop it a level.)

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I always did my homework back in high school, since it makes up for a good portion of your grade. I used to ignore it more when I wasn't in high school.

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