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Nearly everyone misspells my name as Laura. And now, they often misspell my married name as well. Several of my work programs are licensed to me with the incorrect spelling. (They drop an E in my last name.) And my maiden name, was always misspelled, because it was more commonly spelled with a C instead of K like mine. :laughingsmiley: I quit caring.


Haha, my middle name is [removed]. I always preferred my middle name over my first name.


Oh lord did I just give out my middle name. Guess I just did. Oh well. *shrug*

However, under no circumstances will I give out my last name. Ever. Not even the first initial.


I don't give out mine either, though I can say people often misspell that as well. (My sister and I have very unique names, at least for first names. Middle names are unique spellings of more common names. But my parents both had first names that were super common for their generation.)


My name was pretty common at the time I was born, reaching #13 that year (1997). However, my brother's name wasn't that popular at the time he was born and it still isn't all that popular today, to my surprise. :P

EDIT: Turns out my name just barely cracks the top 100 for popular baby names as of 2010. o_O I thought it was much more popular than that, but who pays attention to this stuff anyway?


I think in my entire life, I've met 2-4 people with my first name. When I was in school, names like Jennifer and Amanda were super popular. My sister has never met another with her spelling, and maybe 1 or 2 with the original spelling. (One being my pen pal in Russia.)


I've met only two or three other people (in real life) with the same name as me.

There are a lot of Amandas, Nicoles, Nicholases, Daniels, Sarahs and Matthews in my grade. I'm pretty sure there are more people named Matthew than any other name in my grade, there are six if I remember correctly :P


:laughingsmiley: I did some searches. For my parents decade (the 50s) my dad's name was in the top 20, my mom's was in the top 10.


For my decade (the 80s) my name didn't make it onto the top list. But at the top is Jessica, Jennifer, and Amanda. In the last 10 years, my name hasn't made it above spot 634, which was in 2002. It was actually most popular in the late 60s/early 70s, breaking into the 200s.


I checked how popular my parents' names were in their decades (my mom and dad were born in different decades), and they both cracked the top 50 for their respective decades.

My name's popularity didn't change much ten years before I was born, but its (un)popularity changed a lot ten years after I was born. =P


Common names were apparently big in my family. All of my grandparents' names were in the top 20 for their decade as well. (the 20s) The highest being my dad's dad, in the top 10.


My name didn't even show up on the top list until 1966, and it gained popularity from there for about 20 years. (The movie it came from, Doctor Zhivago, came out in 1965, so I guess that makes sense.)


Okay, so the first day of high school for me was today. It was actually a whole lot better than I thought it'd be. :)

Seriously, there's a lot more freedom and you're treated more like adults than children. So far, so good. The only problem I'm having is with my lockers (gym and regular). The lock is built into the locker, which is something that's totally new to me, not to mention highly frustrating.


Glad you enjoyed your first day of high school, some kids back at my high school don't really act all adult-like. :P


Thanks. :)

I'm almost positive that like, most of the students at my school don't behave like adults. Especially some of the current freshmen. There are, however, a minority of people who are very mature for their age and don't act like animals all the time <_<


There are a lot of people who act like dirty 1st graders in 7th and 8th. Especially gym class, where my grade (6th) is mixed with 7th and 8th. In the locker room, they're so loud, it makes me want to punch all of them in the face. You mess up, they scream at you like nobody's buisness. <_<


The people who take gym class seriously are some of the worst people you'll ever meet. I've had the misfortune of knowing tons of people like that who will yell at you for stuff like being low on breath while running laps around the gym.

In grade 7, I even had this one toolbag curse and yell at me because I started panting heavily after one lap around the soccer field. He's kind of a jerk to everyone though, but especially to me as well as a few other people.


(slightly offtopic but: oh god, nearly every other post on this thread lately has been teal-coloured. I post here way too much. Is that a good thing or a bad thing? :P)


A good thing! :D


I have people calling me mushroom because of the way my hair is. <_<


I have to run a mile tomorrow, oh god. :ohno: Guess what we do after that? 45 situps and 30 pushups o_O


P.E. (gym) is the worst class for me. A least i'm not in cross-country, you have to run 2 1/2 miles tomorrow for that x_x


One mile, 45 situps and 30 pushups? Dang. Good luck!

I was actually in cross country...for like, less than a week. Joining XC was probably my biggest regret, and quitting it was the best decision I ever made in my life. :yes:


I like playing sports every now and then, it's just that I refuse to join any school teams unless I like enough people on the team. I was considering trying out for cheerleading for a while (yes, I consider that to be a sport), but then I thought about the people who would also be trying out for that and I was just like yeahhhh no don't even think about it any further :/ Plus, I had mandatory extra help the day of tryouts. :laughingsmiley:

Aside from being relatively flexible, I wouldn't even make a good cheerleader anyway lolololol


I would try out for soccer, which is my favorite sport, but the problem is, the 7th and 8th graders are in the same team :O I kinda hate dislike them. <_<


Oh, and thanks for the good luck. :)


I usually felt intimidated by the upperclassmen as well as some of the underclassmen. (Specifically, the popular sixth and seventh graders [as of last school year]. Anyone who's considered "popular" just scares the crap out of me. I don't know why, but it scares me even more when they're younger than me. It's a little irrational, but oh well)

Uh, anyway. This is probably a given for nearly every school, but there are a few upper/underclassmen (but mostly the latter) who aren't intimidating and are actually really cool and nice ^_^


My best friend knows a lot of underclassmen and I know more of them because of her. I only know a few upperclassmen because of my older brother's friends and being in the school play.


I really hate the gap of respect between upper and underclassmen, as you call it :laughingsmiley: Although I would consider myself to be between middle and upper :rolleyes_anim: I REALLY REALLY REALLY want to join the soccer team, ALL my friend are trying out, and so will I, soccer is fun. :king:


Also Khoas, you are in 7th grade?


I know I'm behind here, but your lockers at previous schools didn't have the locks embedded in the door? The lockers were like that for me in middle school and HS. The only lockers with separate locks was the PE and band lockers.


@ spritzie, yah same ALL the lockers in my JH have built in locks, besides the gym ones, I am not in band, so I don't know about them.

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