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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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It is crazy. The news stations originally reported the smoke was from fires at the Colorado/New Mexico state line, but it turns out it wasn't. I have mild asthma, and had a little difficulty. At the grocery store, a woman actually collapsed and an ambulance and fire truck came. I don't know if it was the smoke or the heat.


I haven't done much today yet. I've only played about 125 games so far.

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Wow. Who knew that a fire from Superior would cause problems in CO?!?! That's so crazy.


Well that's more than me... I haven't started yet. :) I'm still doing my dailies.

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It is crazy. I was really surprised. It was actually funny because this morning, standing outside, I told my husband the sky was hazy, and he told me to clean my glasses. :laughingsmiley: (I was looking south and east, which were hazy, he was looking north, which wasn't.) And I guess my dad had called my mom, telling her about the hazy up against the mountains. Later, you could actually smell the smoke.


I'm trying, but I keep getting distracted.

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Me too... I might go on a walk with Joe pretty soon, which to me comes before the AC. :)


I played some SOSD, and I tried YYB again and won a few more games! It's hard because you have to play so many SOSD to see anything... you see results faster with YYB. I suppose SOSD goes so quickly though that 12 games is about the same amount of time (or maybe even less) than one game of YYB.

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He's sleeping right now. :laughingsmiley: So I'm trying to get my games for the day played. My goal tonight is 1750 played, and I'm now at 1300, so 450 to go.


I see SOSD go pretty quickly, because I average about 10-12 SOSD games every 2 minutes.

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haha. Nice strategy! :laughingsmiley: And that's quite the goal.


We're headed on a walk now, so lots of distraction. :)


I might be back on after, but I might not... I get way too easily distracted with these things. I do much better with plots.

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At least I have quiet this way. Last night, he was playing a game on FB and wouldn't stop talking about all the details, numbers, etc.


I'm getting there. I'm now at 1500. :D


It's hard to keep up with this because it's a large amount of games/time, every day, for a month.

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Road trips? Man I hate driving to Vancouver T____T takes 14 hours and my parents don't like to stop for a night so we have to wake up super early and get to vancouver super late x____x ... It's also basically 14 hours of driving through and on mountains so it's not a pleasant feeling.

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Max is 1200.

Waiting on results... I'm REALLY impressed with DC today. Win or lose, our team is so amazing. ^^



Edit: ... We lost. How did we lose? We have over 50k yooyuball at just the Minions board alone.

Brightvale wont get a sidegame win today if I have anything to do with it! -motivated-

Edit2: 500 SHSH games in the first two hours of the match. That, ladies and gentlemen, is how you help your team win a match. ;) Now if oyu'll excuse me, it's 2:15 a.m. where I live and I only slept 4 hours last night. -faints-

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It takes a little under 10 hours to max YYB.

About 4-6 for SHSH.

MSN is probably the same.

And whop knows how long Slushie SLinger would take... o _ o



Lol, i'm trembling... xD Too much SHSH. :P

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grrr,ok...so i was going to have my first battle but then my usul ramdomly cought the ugga-ugga,come on,grrr :grrr:


those anybody know how to cure the ugga-ugga sickness,please :guiltysmiley:


edit;yay my usul is cured

Edited by wistiria12
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At the now, I'm still a beginner at the Altador Cup, I screwed up when I noticed that some of my Slushie Slinger scores weren't legit. I've learned that scores of 300+ in Slushie Slinger are legit to increase the rank, and scores of 3000+ in Make Some Noise are legit to increase the rank (all of mine are legit for that one).


Also, I'm not willing to boycott Yooyuball due to altered controls, I'm getting used to them.

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I must admit that I am enjoying the new Yooyu ball now that they fixed the spaztastic switching of players. I still like the old better than the new but now that its fixed, its nice. I love the animations of when you get the glove power up and all your players grow. Hehe, it looks so impressive with my Grrarl stompin all over the place :rolleyes_anim:

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