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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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Meh. I think it'd be lame if not being able to do Nova Defender costs me a trophy. That'd mean that after all my work at beating AAA in other games, I'd get a worse trophy than somebody who did all the easy Abigail challenges :/

I'm pretty sure that as long as you submitted a score that is above Abby's score by the end of the month, it will count as you beating the challenge even if you challenged AAA. That's how it was last year. So that would mean you would get a silver not just a participation metal.

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Seems like Daily Dare discussion is hard to get away from at this time of the year. xD I'm waaay too busy to tackle my Daily Dare backlog at this point, but I hope I'll eventually be able to knock down enough challenges to qualify for a gold trophy. :yes:

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I'm trying to keep up with everything the best I can. Hopefully I'll have some time for today's challenge. But if how this morning has been so far is any indication of how the rest of my day will be, I might not have time at work today.

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Wow, sounds like quite an interesting start to the day. xD So you have robotic systems to handle the tape archives? That actually sounds like a really neat place to work. :P

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Haha yeah. The request for the reboot came in after I'd been on shift for 1 minute. Then a minute later, a request to swap 5 tapes. Then load tapes to initialize. Then remove them. Then add more. Then do my daily tape rotations.


Now I'm done, so I have to do my reports.

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