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Huh. That's cool, Masaryk :D I'm not allergic to mangoes or cashews (at least I don't think so) but I do know people who are.


Botany is pretty interesting, though I don't think i have plans to take any classes. I wonder if I should look into it when I schedule my next semester?


Well, I am allergic to a protein in cow's milk, dust, dust mites, lilacs, lavender, a lot of perfumes and colognes (indeed, most of them), dogs, some kinds of pollen, and a few antibiotic medications, as well as one pain killer.


Usually, my allergies are not so bad. But the sand they put on the roads in the winter is now mostly dust, and that sucks. Also the fact about my mom's pom shedding like crazy doesn't help, as I am pretty allergic to dogs. And some of the flowers and trees are already budding and spreading pollen all over the place.


So I am not doing so hot.


AA: I was allergic to homework, too. I never did it, cause I aced all my tests, anyhow.


Also, Masaryk, that was a very interesting fact. I will have to make that my "learn something new every day" fact of the day.


My cat, Misha, also has allergies. It's kinda amusing, except when he sneezes in your face or on your food. LOL


Silver has horrible allergies too. The first year we had her, she was sneezing blood all through spring. 0_0 She doesn't do that anymore, thank goodness, but she still sneezes a lot around the time mum and I start sneezing. (Mum thinks Sil just sneezes with us because she feels left out. :P )


Oi, that would be scary. I'm glad Misha's allergies are not that bad.


Jasmine has discovered a love for small boxes (maybe twice as big as her) and large paper bags (large cat food and litter bags). She uses them as a tactical advantage against Misha when she wants to play. It's kinda funny to see the kitten in the bag, and Misha sitting outside the bag, batting at her through the hole, attempting to bring Jasmine OUT of the bag XD. Or when she is hiding in a box, and he walks by, (and she is very patient sometimes, believe me) and BOOM! out comes a flying ball of fur, in one fluid motion exiting the box, jumping into the air, paws splayed, and attacking him.


You guys make me want to get a kitten even more :laughingsmiley: I didn't think that was possible! xD


I'll upload more pics of Jasmine when I feel better.... And when I stop being obsessed with beating my new game.... Which might take a few days, LOL


I haven't been here in a while due to the hacker scare.

I've noticed more members of TDN join Jellyneo due to that purpose (not just HAMS this time).


Anywho, it's great to back at The Daily Neopets after a few days of not being here. :yes:


I couldn't even get on the internet

some evil thing called vista anti-spyware installed itself and tried to ruin my life


Glad to know the whole malware epidemic is over.

Try having OpenDNS, Tyler. Even if it lets you on a site it messes up the layout. The HAMS site and Neo are still jacked up when I go there.


So, yay, it's finally spring break.

How was everyone's week?


It will be Spring Break for me on my Birthday. Yes, my week was rather fine, thanks for asking Super Squirrel.

It stinks having these lovely forums hijacked, and I agree with that very statement.


I can't believe everyone's getting off for spring break next week. :/ My spring break is after easter.


Neomysterion your avatar is pretty epic. :O I've never seen pokemon, digimon, and dragonquest in the same gif before. :P


Wow, my spring break is almost over lol :P I get to spend all day tomorrow on the train going back to school. But then I get to hang out with Pokemon friends, so i'm looking forward to that :D


I didn't get a spring break this year, since we are on clinicals and not really in school per say. We only got a 4 day weekend as our spring break every year of vet school, so it wasn't much.


Yay, i'm finally 14. xD


Well guys, you got back to school later than us after summer, so I have no sympathy. :P




I wish it were more spring-like out for all of these spring breaks. Here, it's been cold, foggy, and rainy for like..a week. Need good weather so I can get out on my bike again.


Just made scrambled eggs with gouda cheese and bacon on a croissant...mmm gotta love mornings off.


Although...tomorrow morning, we all lose an hour of sleep with daylight savings time =(


Happy birthday, Ryan! When was your b-day? Did you do anything special?


It's not spring at all here right now. It's still definitely winter, but it's not very cold today, only -3°C (28°F). Thus, we typically refer to "Spring Break" as "March Break," since it is a more accurate descriptor.


And thanks for the reminder about DST tomorrow. I completely forgot. :S



Lucky, I love that kind of weather. xD




Its also my best friends birthday and we have a tradition of saying happy b-day repeatedly to eachother. Seeing as its a break today, though, were doing so via text. xD


HAPPY BIRTHDAY RYAN!!!!! :party: :party: :party:


And I dislike this DST. Less sleep. :(


I forgot Ryan's birthday :O shame on me

but happy birthday Ryan :D

it's a weekend so I don't mind about DST


DST= Daylight Savings Time. We go an hour forward tonight. :(

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