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Giovanni Gale

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Heh, reception for the Discovery channel is terrible here... which is odd for a satellite broadcast on a fairly clear day. <_<

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I used to watch the Discovery Channel a lot...then I stopped watching TV :laughingsmiley:


I love watching the Food Network occasionally. Fooooood :wub_anim:

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Mmmm...Discovery Channel. It's my favourite thing about television, and even it has gone downhill. I would love to get to watch Discovery, but it's not worth paying for cable for one channel.

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we don't have many bugs here, even though we get ant infestations every time it rains

you have tigers, Theo? awesome :P

on the islands off the coast of here we have elk and foxes

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I want tigers :( they're so pretty...We have some fun reptiles and amphibians in Pennsylvania, but not too much on Long Island.


My roommate for next semester might get a corn snake though :wub_anim: I'm so excited!!!! :D

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AW, corn snakes are so very pretty! I like snakes, but I hear they smell bad. I hope your roommate cleans its tank often.

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I would be afraid of the snake getting out of it's tank and attacking me in my sleep.


I agree with this.

It's the same with pets like Tarantulas... I know quite a few people who have them, I'd be terrified :evil:

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Does anyone else have allergies that make their nose raw, and have them sneezing, and make their throat feel like it's scratchy and dry?


I hate the time between winter and spring. It's the WORST time for my allergies. Dust from the sand they put on the road, the beginning of pollens, etc etc etc. Plus I am allergic to dogs, and my mom's little pom is shedding like crazy, so when I went over there today, I was owned by allergies within a very very short time. I had to go home early. >.<

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For me, just pollen and dust, nothing to major in my opinion when it comes to allergies.

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I'm allergic to perfumes and scented products, especially if they are synthetic scents. I'm okay with some essential oils, in small doses.

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It might have something to do with living in the tropics for a while, but I haven't really run into any allergies lately (I used to get hay fever when I was living in New Zealand though).


Actually... homework. I'm allergic to homework. :P

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I have year-round allergies, which aren't usually aren't more than a stuffy/runny nose. But it also depends, since I'm allergic to dogs, if I'm around them too much, I start sneezing and such.

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I'm not sure if i'm so much allergic as I just get seasonal colds... :P


Definitely allergic to poison ivy though. That stuff bites :(

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I am thankfully not allergic to poison ivy. It's rare that I come in contact with it, but my lack of reaction to it means that I'm the botanist that has to always collect it.


Point of interest: poison ivy is in the same family as mangoes and cashews. Many people who have strong reactions to poison ivy also have allergies to those two foods.

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