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Wow, that's a lot of pages to work through, Masaryk :(


Yeah, cold rainy days really dampen moods, Divya :sad01_anim:


Aww, sorry to hear that Spritzie :O Hopefully you get a little break soon. :)


It's calmed down now. You know, now that I have only about 2.5 hours left and I've gotten nearly no games played. (I'm only at 20k.)


It's been a couple months since I've had a day this crazy.


Yeah. I think on non-work days, I aim for 50k a day. On work days, 60-80k.


I see :)


I used to play games and save NPs, but these days I either don't have the time or cannot be bothered. :P

I only seem to make money off the stock market these days. Though the last few days I've not sold any.


I fail at the stock market. I either forget to buy, or sell way too soon.


Games are my best, and main, NP making thing. I enjoy them, and it gives me stuff to do at work.


Not bad at all :D


Ehe, I only sell at 60+ to be honest. Sold some for 74 last week but now I'll have to wait a while as my next highest is in the 40s I think. I don't mind, I'm patient about it.




I really ought to go, but Number 6's at 6.6mil right now and my friend said she'd lend me the NPs I need. She told me to put up some trades and I did, but now she seems to have vanished. <_<


I'm doing better, now that I follow my husband's advice, but I'd get restless and sell for only a 5k profit. It was sad. :laughingsmiley:


In my days of noob status, I'd sell at losses. I wasn't very bright apparently.


I've only made 140k profit so far from selling. I started selling last month after building up for the avatar.


EDIT: I hope my friend comes back within the next 20mins or I'm going to have to leave and wait for Number 6 to drop again in the future... Darn.


Not bad :D


I've only been selling at around 300%, but it's a long time waiting for them to get that high.


I have 7k of HELT which is at 240% so i'll soon be very happy with a few hundred thousand np in my pocket. :P


I don't even want to think how many I've missed being by not watching. I need to put it on my bookmark bar.


I think around 100% is the highest I've sold for.


Nice, Ryan :D


Think the most shares in one company I've had is 5k, need to build up some more. :)


Lol Spritzie.

The only reason I still go on Neo is so I won't miss my stocks getting to their selling number.


Thanks Iona. ^^


I have quite a bit of patience with my stocks, though I will admit to having sold a few at 293% lately. They always seem to get close to 300% in the hour before I either have to go to bed or work. It's a good thing I sold some of them at that point, too, since they never worked their way back up above 300% when I was online.


Well, if I know I'm going to miss it being at 300%, I tend to think that it's better to sell at one point less that to have to wait 6 months for it to rise back up again.


True story. I'm always leery when it gets super close to the 300% if it will get there or suddenly plummet. I was good about buying stock everyday when I was aiming for the avatar but now that I've got it I seem to only remember to invest once a week or so but I've still got tons of stock in there hoping for a big pay out eventually :rolleyes_anim:


The stock market is my primary source of income on Neopets (or was, seeing as I'm broke now xD ). I simply added it to my dailies and essentially used it as an alternative to the bank (with much higher interest when used correctly). :yes:


Well, that's one way to solve problems. I'm gonna have to start doing that... xD


-agrees with Theo on that-


Crap, HELT took a nosedive and is now at only 160%


ugh..stressful night..just going to play black ops until i pass out and im not going to class tomorrow.


What platform do you play on? I'm on XBOX Live myself. What kind of game types do you usually play? I prefer Core Domination. I'm not the world's greatest player, but I usually do pretty well and usually have fun doing it!


I always mean to get into the stocks regularly, but I am so lousy at it and I just end up forgetting. Sounds like a decent way to make some np though.

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