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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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Lawl. My handwriting is disgusting. I hate it. But I choose speed over prettiness. Comes in handy during in class essays. My poor teacher has to attempt to read it though. :laughingsmiley:

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Kay. 4 post at once = awesome. Yeah. My handwriting is no better than my drawing skills... *looks sadly at siggy* I wish I could be an artist.


Edit: I laugh a little at my APUSH teacher every time she has to grade one of my five page messy in class essays she assigns every other week. :D

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I wrote a story for Honors LA called 'The Search for Pablo the magical gold fish' including over 10 characters, including an evil squirrel obsessed with croutons, Layton Vickels, and Elmo. It was 6 pages long and all in rhyme. She never gave me that assignment back...


Lol, I felt like sharing this.

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That... takes some skill, Ryan. I will admit.



I have decent art skills, but nothing super-fantastic. I can just make something look decent enough for people to be like "Oh, that's lovely! (whisper) What is it?"

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I wrote a short story, mentioned a few pages back, about two brothers who have two empires and both go psychotic, tear each other's cities apart, and end up killing each other after everybody dies

the darkness of the story doesn't really help with the whole everybody thinking I'm emo thing :P

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My Honors English teacher says i'm a good writer. I hope thats not a new thing this year. Otherwise, the reason that teacher never gave it back is probably because she burned it or something. xD


Lol, Tyler, I gotta read that sometime. xD

People think you're emo?

Lol, what a coincidence, people think i'm a ner- Oh wait...

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Lawls Ryan that sounds epic. At least your honors english class is fun. Well. Not that mine isnt...but we just had to write a 10 page essay comparing four books. Didn't start it until the night it was due in typical procrastination style....pulled my first school all nighter for that one. :woot:

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