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Giovanni Gale

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Bionicles are legos. It was the whole reason I liked Lego at all. It had a whole universe and a complex storyline to boot, which is very hard to find in other legos. And unlike most lego sets these days, Bionicle lasted for 9 years (2001-2010). But then Lego ceased production of Bionicle after those 9 years, which pissed me off. Now I don't want anything to do with Lego since they did that, and replaced it with Hero Factory. They say that they cancelled Bionicle to save money since the pieces were costly. What I find funny is that Hero Factory hast the EXACT same pieces. And Bionicle sold better too. So if they were trying to save money, they surely did a poor job at it.

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Same here Livvy. I loved building houses and furniture for them. My sister liked building multiple level houses. And my dad liked the wheels. Whatever he made, it had wheels. Semi-trucks, "motor homes", anything with wheels. :laughingsmiley:

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I never really cared for the ordinary Legos. Once again, if it wasn't for Bionicle, I never would've gotten invovled with anything lego wise.


You should've checked them out. They looked awesome.

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I think I would have loved bionicle if they had come out when I was younger. They came out when I was in high school so I never really got to use them. We've still got tons of old Lego's stuff in bins that my parents are saving if they ever get grandkids too :rolleyes_anim: My favorite used to be building castles. We had a board that had a moat ish thing and it was kind of up on a 'hill' very nifty.

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I think I would have loved bionicle if they had come out when I was younger. They came out when I was in high school so I never really got to use them.


I was in 5th grade when I got interested in them. Here I am a freshman in high school and I still try to collect those that I missed. They look so much cooler than normal legos.

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YES! *high fives Spritzie* Me too! And the Polly Pockets that actually fit in your pocket, none of these silly 2 inch dolls with removable clothes and hair and such like the Polly Pocket that's in the store now. My Polly Pockets could fold in half to sit and that's it, still loved them though. I think I might have had every single one available. :wub_anim:

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Ugh. I know. I can't believe they did that. I loved the ones that just closed up and were self-containing. I even had a couple mansions my mom got me. I loved collecting them. I had nearly every one for quite a long time. I have a bin in my parents' basement full of them. You know, in case of grandkids.

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My family friend's mom gave me some of her old Polly Pockets and they are so adorable! :wub_anim: I cant believe they changed them. I hate the new commercials. That song is SO ANNOYING! <_<

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I haven't seen any Polly Pockets lately. I guess I should be glad, if the commercials are that bad.


I adored the little Polly Pockets! I mean, I hated Barbies and dolls and such, I just thought the compactness of Polly Pockets was adorable. I never actually had any though.

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livvy, you definitely dont want to see them. The song is running through my head right now. o_O


I never really liked Barbies, but I really dont see how people take joy in pulling their heads and arms off.

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I loved them. The size was great too. I was able to take them places easily. I'd take one to my sister's basketball games, practices, doctors appointments, and I could be quietly amused for hours. My mom loved that.

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I loved Polly Pockets too! I had a mansion, and I thought it was the coolest thing ever. I would set it up with some of the houses and play for hours. I loved the compactness too - you can take them anywhere!


How are the new ones different?

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Woo! Huzzah for speaking lowly of kids without actually ever stopping to place ourselves in their shoes!


Seriously, you guys sound like those adults who think the internet is going to render the mass majority of our generation useless and that cell phones are the primary focus of all our attention :P

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