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Giovanni Gale

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Read about Kirby, then try one of it's games. You won't regret it.


Epic Mickey looks epic, but reviews are all over the dang place. Xplay gives it a perfect 5/5, then Gamespot gives it a 6/10. You have no idea who to listen to. So I'm just going to rent it.

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gamespot sucks. let's leave it that. they gave Twilight Princess and 8.5 and RADIANT DAWN A FREAKING 6. it's my least favorite video game site, just beating 1up

it's a good game according to the best reviewers

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Hm... I've heard good things about Epic Mickey, but those were previews. I want to play it, but I'd rather have other games first.


Kirby's a fun character in Super Smash Brothers... (that's not where he's from, haha). I want Epic Yarn because it looks fun and tongue in cheek - my kind of humor. That's why I like the Paper Mario games.


Oh, if you get a DS, you should get Bowser's Inside Story. It has that same kind of humor. Lego Star Wars (and Lego Indiana Jones) is pretty funny too. It manages to make fun of the series while doing it enough justice to satisfy the nerds.


And congrats on getting the neomail addict avatar! That's awesome. :) I'm still trying.


Thanks for the recommendation about Mario Galaxy, CAV. I'll ask for the second one. :)

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I know nothing of Kirby. My husband laughed at me when I thought he was a Pokemon. :eh:


I don't know video games. At all.


Has anyone heard anything about the Epic Mickey game? It looked rather awesome.

Hey, he does bear an uncanny resemblance to Jigglypuff! (I've never played Kirby either.)

I'm really excited for the new Okami game on DS. I know it won't hold a candle to the PS2/Wii game, but it looks adorable. I'm really a sucker for cute things, I'm slowly noticing. Sheesh.

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What's Okami?


I just looked at my game magazine (gameinformer) review of Epic Mickey, and they said the concept is good but some of the tasks are mundane and some of the camera angles are bad. It got a 7/10, and then on further review, a 7.75/10.

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Epic Mickey looks epic, but reviews are all over the dang place. Xplay gives it a perfect 5/5, then Gamespot gives it a 6/10. You have no idea who to listen to. So I'm just going to rent it.


That's what's so funny. "Epic" seems to be a favorite word nowaways and we were in Game Stop and they had an ad for it on the TV, and I told my husband they were making Mickey sound all epic. (I never use the word epic.) Not 5 seconds later, they said it was called Epic Mickey. I was highly amused. :laughingsmiley:

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Okami is one of the best games I have ever played. You play the Japanese wolf sun goddess by the name of Amaterasu. The main thing is the celestial brush where you draw simple shapes to make objects. Which, in my opinion, works better on the Wii than the PS2. It has an interesting plot of Amaterasu trying to restore beauty to the demon-infested world. There is good humor and the characters are great. They all have personality and quite a few give you a chuckle or 2 thousand. The fighting system is a the weakest part but it isn't terrible. The world is huge and fun to explore. The bosses actually have story behind them. I recommend it to anyone who likes a good adventure game

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Haha! I'm on break which means more time for Neo and games.

I'm planning to get Mario, which one should I get?

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What's Okami?


I just looked at my game magazine (gameinformer) review of Epic Mickey, and they said the concept is good but some of the tasks are mundane and some of the camera angles are bad. It got a 7/10, and then on further review, a 7.75/10.

Okami is an INCREDIBLY gorgeous game. It's not very difficult, but it's so wonderfully made with an interesting story and lots of eye candy. Plus: cute wolf main character. Sometimes I just ran around going, "Yaaay, pupppppy!"

Here are some pictures from it:




I'm sure by the time I finish adding these images, someone will have posted about it already, haha.

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I grew up playing computer games instead of video games. You know... Chip's Challenge, Frogger, Theme Park, Rollercoaster Tycoon.


I didn't grow up with those games. But I certainly loved playing them, and play them occasionally these days.

I grew up with games like Tetris and Pacman.

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I'm still growing up, so yeah. xD But someday I'll be able to say that I grew up on the Real-Time Strategy scene (and StarCraft II will probably still be a major game that far in the future).

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Ohh, I've got Okami, it's definitely very pretty. I got it on the Wii though, and the controls were a horrible pain and I gave up on it very quickly.


Also, dude! Oregon Trail. Gooood times.


I played a lot (a LOT) of Sim City 2000 in my youth.

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I grew up playing compute games instead of video games. You know... Chip's Challenge, Frogger, Theme Park, Rollercoaster Tycoon.


I grew up with those games too! My brother used to play Chip's Challenge all the time--got to level eighty-something. He went nuts when I accidentally deleted his save file. :whistle:


And I still play Rollercoaster Tycoon. It's such an amazing game. I don't even think it's showing its age that much. You don't really notice the graphics while you're playing.


I also have extremely vague memories of playing Sim City as a kid. I was so young then, though. All I remember was creating monsters to destroy the town. :evil:

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Oregon Trail. Good stuff. :P I also played Amazon Trail and Amazon Trail II 'til my computers updated beyond their playing ability. Sad. =[ I also played games like Freddy Fish and Putt-Putt and Spy Fox. I still sometimes amuse myself by playing through them (the few that still work.) Oh, and the Tycoons! Zoo was my favourite. :D

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I grew up playing both... Oregon Trail, Dr. Brain, Math Blasters, Zoo Tycoon... plus my original Nintendo. :)

I played those! Math Blasters was fun...

I grew up with games like the Cluefinders and Zoombinis?



Oregon Trail. Good stuff. :P I also played Amazon Trail and Amazon Trail II 'til my computers updated beyond their playing ability. Sad. =[ I also played games like Freddy Fish and Putt-Putt and Spy Fox. I still sometimes amuse myself by playing through them (the few that still work.) Oh, and the Tycoons! Zoo was my favourite. :D

Since when was there an Amazon Trail??? Freddy Fish was cute though.

Tycoons are awesome! Zoo Tycoon 2 was my favourite.

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I've actually played a very large variety of games. There's the arcade games, RPGs, FPSs, MMORPGs, RTSs (Roller Coaster Tycoon can be in this category, though my favorite was Age of Mythology), flash games, and even some two-trigger shooters. Personally, I think flash games are among the hardest :P

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Grew up with video games. Grew up playing Pacman, Spyro, Crash Bandicoot, Sonic the Hedgehog, and Gran Turismo. I loved those games, and the recent release of Gran Turismo 5 might actually make me get a PS3.


gamespot sucks. let's leave it that. they gave Twilight Princess and 8.5 and RADIANT DAWN A FREAKING 6. it's my least favorite video game site, just beating 1up


This is how I feel:


Best: IGN and Nintendo Power.


Worst: Game Informer and 1UP.


Gamespot is in the middle, because sometimes they get the right rating, and sometimes they're an idiot and give a good game a bad rating. Or they overhype a game, like Uncharted 2. But I am happy that they gave Galaxy 2 a perfect 10.


I hate Game Informer because they give good games bad reviews all the time. They gave Galaxy 2 a 9.25/10. That's great, but lower than the first, and they gave it that rating simply because it gets too hard for them at times. Bullcrap. I played the game, beat it, and it wasn't very hard. Game Informer is one of the only 3 reviewers to NOT give Galaxy 2 a perfect 10.


Must I also mention that they gave Goldeneye 007 a 6.5/10? Game Informer is the only reviewer to give it a bad review.


That's what's so funny. "Epic" seems to be a favorite word nowaways and we were in Game Stop and they had an ad for it on the TV, and I told my husband they were making Mickey sound all epic. (I never use the word epic.) Not 5 seconds later, they said it was called Epic Mickey. I was highly amused. :laughingsmiley:


Epic Mickey was originally going to be about one of Walt Disney's incomplete works. He would think about what would happen if Mickey killed himself. That was going to be the original Epic Mickey, about how he committed suiside and what would happen to the world of Disney. He would be a battered corpse, and it would be a horror game. But they binned that in favor of the current game.

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