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Well, I've always known that coffee has never agreed with mum, so up until today, I've avoided it. I didn't even realize I was having coffee - I was eating tiramisu which I only later discovered had coffee in it. I didn't actually get sick sick, I just felt really nauseous and crampy. And that was just a tiny bit of coffee, so actually drinking it can only be worse.


Fortunately, I'm not allergic to the smell of coffee. Much as it doesn't like my stomach, I can still spend 10 extra minutes in the coffee bean aisle at the grocery store.


Awww. I'm sorry it made you feel icky. :( But now you know for sure to stay away from anything with coffee, even if it's just a dessert.


I'm the same way. I actually love the smell of coffee. But the taste isn't the same. I've tried several times over the years, to drink coffee, and I just can't do it. My family is split. My dad and sister love coffee. My mom and I hate it, and love tea.


I never thought of coffee of being something you can be allergic to.


You can be allergic to probably anything. I've known people who were allergic to lettuce. (Which a ton of people don't even believe is possible, even when they hear it.)


I just can't deal with the taste. I've tried it with milk, cream, sugar... none of those in any combo made it drinkable to me. I couldn't even handle those fancy coffee drinks from Starbucks.


Mmm coffee. I love coffee! Especially Cappuccino. I would hate to become allergic to Coffee.


I am allergic to pollen. <_< That's even worse.


Because pollen is everywhere. You can't just say "Welp, looks like I'll have go forgo my daily dose of pollen. Oh well!" It's not difficult to avoid coffee; there are plenty of alternatives. Chocolate, anyone?


I remember when I was in 2nd grade, and had ulcers. I went through a period where I couldn't have chocolate, or caffeine. :( When I was younger, there was a brief period when my doctor suspected I was allergic to milk and such, so I couldn't have it for awhile.


Yeah... it was school. It was a rough year. My teacher was there for about 1-2 months at the beginning, then she got horribly sick and went on leave, so we had substitute teachers for the rest of the year, until our original teacher came back for the very last day of the school year.


Wow. That must have been terribly stressful if it caused an ulcer. I actually have a little bald patch I developed while my Aunt Cathy was really sick. It's pretty much hidden now, and there are treatments I could do to make hair grow back, but it doesn't really bother me all that much. It's just a reminder of how stressful the bridge between 3 and 4 were. (I lost my grandmother and my closest aunt on opposite sides of my birthday.)


Though I suppose I'm better off than a fellow at mum's work. He stressed away ALL of his hair, even his eyebrows!


The hair thing, happened to my sister when she was going through her separation/divorce. She used to have super thick hair, and after that, it was probably 1/2 as thick. And it's still thick. She'd grown her hair to her waist, then cut it to her shoulders to donate to the Locks of Love (which makes wigs for people with cancer) Her hair was still thick enough that they were able to make 2 donations out of it. o_O


Wow. I know thick hair is supposed to be a good thing, but I don't think I'd want my hair to be THAT thick. Ooh, speaking of which, my hair is ALMOST long enough that I might consider cutting it. Ever since my hair got to my middle-back, I've had people say "Oh, your hair is so long and pretty! You should get it cut for Locks of Love!" Which is really annoying, because I don't WANT to cut my hair. I like it long, and they just said it was pretty. But it's gotten long enough that in the next couple years it will start getting the in the way when I sit down, so it's almost long enough for me to feel comfortable cutting it. :yes:


My sister was that way. She just never wanted to cut her hair. She never planned to cut and donate. She decided to do it after she had a friend who lost a daughter to cancer. She did it as a Christmas present.


I generally had the shorter hair of the two of us, growing up. But in 6th, I had to cut my hair super short because of health stuff, so after that, I wanted my hair long. So my hair was generally a few inches below my shoulders after it grew out, ever since 6th. But a couple years ago, out of nowhere, I decided to cut it to about chin length (Like in my profile pic) Until recently, I kept it that length, but it's now grown to about my shoulders. I don't know what I think of that. I miss the shorter cut. :laughingsmiley:


My thing with short hair is that you have to keep cutting it. And then if you decide you want it long again, it has to go through that awkward stage where it's not exactly short but it's not quite long either. Oh, and the too-long-to-leave-down-but-too-short-for-a-ponytail stage. Ugh, I hated that stage. I had enough trouble growing my bangs out.


My hair is nice and short now. I got it cut from my profile picture, and now I look completely different! *fluffs hair*


How long was yours, JB? Long for a girl, or long for a guy?

I'd say long for a guy. About ear length, just enough to irritate me.

(Yes, I said ear-length. That's 'long' for me)


But still prettiful, I'm sure, Divya. ^_^


Ear-length can be kind of long for guys. It depends on the "style" of the time. I've seen some guys with hair down past their noses, and a few with hair long enough to rival mine. (Though guy hair usually looks really ratty when it's that long. I don't know why.)


Have you ever grown it past them? Because it starts to feel less funny on them once it gets further past them. It's less tickly.


That's my thing about short hair. Long hair, tie it back, it's out of your way. Short hair, it's all in your face and everything. That would so get on my nerves.


I've gone through phases. In middle school, I hated having my hair down. I'd always have it in a braid, ponytail, a twist, bun, anything. Then in HS, I refused to put my hair up. I'd occasionally put my hair up in a twist after a shower before school (until it dried by 2nd period) and I'd have my friends walk right by me, because I had my hair up and they didn't expect it.


Then when my hair was long, it depended on my mood. Sometimes I would leave it down, sometimes I'd put it up. When I cut it, I couldn't do anything. I only recently realized I could put it in a low ponytail again.


But it is time to get a trim. Don't tell the husband, but I'm thinking about getting it cut back to my chin length. I miss it. And he loves it long.

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