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Giovanni Gale

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LOL. That sounds kinda fun. xD


And yeah, I agree. I enjoyed the water balloon fight more before we reorganized the teams. xD

Luckily, one of my teammates couldn't throw more than 2 feet then eventually dropped out and my other teammate dropped out immediatley so it was 1 vs 3(Somebody had to go home before we rechose the teams). xD

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I always remember having a hard time convincing my mom to get my sister and I water balloons. I don't know why she didn't like them. But we used to have these balls made out of material, that you soaked with water, and when they hit something, they had basically the same effect as water balloons. They were just re-useable. My mom got us a few of those.

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I think I know what your talking about, and my friend had a few of those but we looked in her garage and couldn't find them. I did find a pink helmet though which her little sister wouldn't let me wear. xD

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As long as my sister and I were together, we could do whatever. If I was outside alone, I had to stay in the yard/driveway.


I hate when birds do that. We used to have a woodpecker that would peck on some metal pipe on our house. My dad would throw snowballs at it in the winter.

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Anyway, anyone here currently? CAV? Spritze? Divya hopefully? Possibly Anisha? Noog? Livvy? JB? Ruto? Laura? CC possibly? Tyler?

Did I miss anyone? I think i'm forgetting some of the usual HOP people...


I'm always here. But NOBODY is here. So I'm bored.

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There is a seagull outside my window that will not shut up! Its making me want to get out of the house and shove a loaf of bread down its throat.

That might actually work. Do it and tell us how it went.

or just throw some bread out the window to get it to leave.

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I did find a pink helmet though which her little sister wouldn't let me wear. xD

.... Oh Ryan. You make me smile. :D


I haven't been in a water balloon fight in YEARS! :O Guiz, we should totally include that in our list of things to do when we some day impossibly meet (preferably at Ian's house in... Ohio?)

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Oh sorry; I just noticed the page I missed. Dx Silly me.


I'm basically limited to where I can walk and where I can navigate to. I'm terrible with directions, which is kind of okay, because mum (correctly) assumes that if I bother to learn how to get there, it's probably pretty important.

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.... Oh Ryan. You make me smile. :D

Then my daily "make someone smile" goal has been accomplished. :P



Bleh, there was only 2 of us for this last fight, and my friend had to leave because shes going to see some movie with Zac Effron in it(Bleh :sick01:) so now i'm back.

We were dueling with hockey sticks and eating otter pops at the same time. How much more epic can it get? :P

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CAV, i'm so coming to Brooklyn eventually. Is there a starbucks anywhere over there?

Starbucks = Where all the cool kids meet people. b)


Yes. Otter pops.

Before I found out they were popsicles,I used to think it was like... otter meat in a shishkabab fashion. o.o



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CAV, i'm so coming to Brooklyn eventually. Is there a starbucks anywhere over there?

Starbucks = Where all the cool kids meet people. b)


Yes. Otter pops.

Before I found out they were popsicles,I used to think it was like... otter meat in a shishkabab fashion. o.o


:laughingsmiley: Ryan, I'm betting NYC, and Las Vegas probably have the highest density of Starbucks. The Luxor in Vegas had 3 Starbucks alone.


Starbucks is where my parents first met my now-husband.


Oh wow. I remember Otter Pops. I used to love those.

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