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I'm always online. I just never look like I am. ;)


What were you gonna say about me, Will? *suspicious face*


I'm only online if I show it. So Livvy, whenever you see me on, you can send me a message, since I forget people do the whole invisible thing.


What were you gonna say about me, Will? *suspicious face*

Well you're never on, and if you are you're invisible, so I can never tell if you're on :P


It usually just asks me if I want to send an email. Plus I was never a big fan of exploratory IMing :P


Haha well in a situation like that you'll have to make the initial contact then.


Or not be invisible everywhere :P


:( But but... fine, I'll talk to you first. *grumble mumble*


So anywho. :D How goes life?


EDIT: Ugh, I just remembered all the homework I have to do...


I use AIM more than anything, but I hardly even talk to anybody through that. I think it might've been only one person this whole entire summer o_O (and even then, only a few times).


I also have AIM. I have about 9 friends. Not a lot, but just fine for me.


Anime, can you take a picture of the mini-fridge? I want to read the magnets. =] And your dorm looks really nice. Pretty decent size for a freshman dorm (if I'm remembering your grade correctly.)


Haha, I approve of your magnet choices. I used to have a pin that read "I think, therefore I'm not you." I don't think it was actually Happy Bunny, but it's similar.


When I envision college, I imagine it going AWESOME until I meet my room mate and he's gonna be the most aggravating person ever.


I don't have a roommate. Single room. I share the bathroom with another girl though.


Which is amazing :P Unfortunately my most probable choice includes sharing a dorm with a roommate :P


Roommates might not be too bad though. There's always the chance you might actually like them :P


There's always the bad roommate. If you don't have a bad roommate, then you're the bad roommate :P


A Dane Cook quote/idea.

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