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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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*pokes the person above me* Why aren't you on MSN?


I have no use for my MSN.


But then it would be so much easier to stalk you around TDN, CAV. xD


If you pefer stalking me over saving the lives of squirrels, then fine.

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I have no use for my MSN.


He was talking to spritzie o_O


I have stalkers that track me easily :P It's called Twitter (or Facebook, now that you can have your location and guided map :P)

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He was talking to spritzie o_O


I know. Just felt the need to say that no one should bother trying to contact me via MSN. I won't use it unless someone wants me to.


Ryan, I feel as though that should be quoted.

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Haha oh you two :P


I don't really use my MSN. Especially considering I only have Livvy and Noog on my list. Not that I don't like talking to them, it's just- oh, I'll just stop talking now x_x

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I use AIM more than anything, but I hardly even talk to anybody through that. I think it might've been only one person this whole entire summer o_O (and even then, only a few times).

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