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Giovanni Gale

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Careful there Livvy, don't hurt the mods. They tend to not like to be touched or bothered, especially both. Steph likes to warn me when I'm sleeping because she gets bored, so giving her something to do might not be a good idea.

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People might be switched right now and we'd never know :P

Except that some of us have very weird minds that somehow recall member ID numbers at inopportune moments. xD


I know, right! I'm not really sure what I'm doing to be honest. Some random dude (or girl) knew my real name and everything. Should I be worried?

o_O That seems... odd. But not especially worrying I suppose.

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*lets go of Stephanie* But but... I was her friend before she was a mod... All that for nothing? *is sad*


EDIT: I called Britt and Morgan for their post counts. Radically different. And their typos. Also radically different. :P

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Pshaw, I feel boring all the time, Steph. It's called growing up. You just have to overcome it. (Which is really easy to do when you've reached that giddy stage of not-sleeping that tends to happen at 4 AM.)

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Silly Steph. :P


I understand what you mean. It's fun growing up, gaining more responsibility, learning and doing and experiencing new things, but the entire process is emotionally stressful.

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Yes! Especially the doing new things part. I went to the school social early this year. That was probably the biggest challenge for me, socially. :P (Yeah, I don't sound very outgoing) But I had a lot of fun!


Then there's school councils / clubs. I wish I participated more (I mean, you have to make the most of the first year of high school!), but what can you do now? Haha, at least I joined the academic council and badminton team. Although, the cultural stuff sounds interesting too!


Mmhm... and homework. XD

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Don't overinvolve yourself either. You need to get a handle on how high school is going to be before join too many activities. Don't want to get overwhelmed. Though it is a good lesson in time management.

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I started school in February, so the general routine here has kind of sunk in. In a way, I guess I'm in a comfortable schedule, balancing my activities.


It's a relief that we only have P.E. twice a week... but badminton training makes that up after school for an extra 2 days. :P


Anyway, I'll be leaving for the night. :) Talk to you (and others!) later maybe.

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It also ensures that I have to clear a spot in my schedule so I can handle FCA for her on a regular basis. <_<


I'm kidding of course. ;) FCA is kinda fun most of the time.

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Growing up is fun, but not fun. :/ Ah, I'd like a good night's rest more often. I guess I'll attempt to get over it, by jumping! /lame

yea growing up is fun in one why but not in the other you have more responsiblilies like bills and if your like me kids and other things you have to take care of everyday

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You guys should stop being anonymous so I can tell that you're on. Honestly, I usually look at the members list at the bottom of the forum and if I don't see anybody I don't bother posting :P


I was actually sick and tired of seeing my name be the only one under "Listed Members". So I went anonymous.


Look at where it says "Anonymous Members" There's bound to be at least 1 (that one being me).

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