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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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I'd like to remind that racing for a post count is against the rules.


Good reminder.


Why do I feel that this was JUST made?



Well you know, we could move it to the spam forum if you want Livvy :P


CAV, I've already replied that these new rules weren't made for any people in particular. These were always rules, but they were supposed to be assumed. We won't be holding back on enforcement now that they are written down on paper.







I know. I just find it funny that you mention it....in my presence...


CAV, it's time to stop this crap. Noog was making a general reminder, since a comment was made, to help prevent a potential issue. He was doing his job; it was not directed toward you in any way, nor had anything to do with you. There is no need to make such a huge deal about it, especially in such personal manor. Everything posted on tdnforums.com is "in ((your)) presence" since you can read it. You weren't even online at the time it went down, your last post before the reminder was almost an hour before, and your post after the reminder was almost 20 minutes. Please stop trying to cause issues.


~TDN Management.

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Why is Levy a banned topic? It's like a communist government :shiftyeyes_anim: (I know the smilies don't work, but I add them anyways for when they will in the future)


In Soviet Russia, the topic bans you!


Still, I like to know if there's any to talk to when I'm here. If not, at most I'll post and then go to other parts of the web.

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I only do the anonymous thing because there are times I want to be on without people fearing something's wrong because the (possibly retired) posting machine is online and not posting.

Don't bother what people think of you. :] Believe me, I am experienced. xD


And Posting Machine sounds super cool to me. 8D

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well it is about levy getting banned and stuff. I still don't know why since everyone tells me they don't wanna talk about it OTL


though i think they have a good reason why.

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Wait, why can't we talk about Levy?


Is this something that Anime said was banned, or people just don't like to talk about? :/


And where does Levy fit into ANY recent conversation?

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He was mentioned earlier, way back when.


I just remember when I asked about him I was told not to talk about him by the staff. Or something like that. *shrugs*


I actually really don't like finger paint. I like my hands clean all the time and if they're dirty with anything, I have to wash them or I'm going to go insane :P

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;A; I-I'm sorry, Livvy. Is that better? :'D;;


He was really close to everyone and stuff.


Like Will said, the old staff doesn't like talking about it or mostly anyone who was there when he got banned and stuff so mostly the really old members.


Most of the time, I act like that but when I need to, I cringe and just do it with finger painting. :I;;

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I seem to recall that it was always a touchy subject. I don't think it's necessarily banned, per se, but it seems to be a topic best undiscussed. I mean honestly, why would you want to hear about someone forced to leave this lovely little world?


EDIT: Yes, Anna, that's much better.

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You're allowed to talk about Levy. It's a perfectly fine subject. XD I don't see what's so touchy. :P


It's not like it was a ban that wasn't deserved.

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I'm just curious as to why. What was that quote? "Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it" or something like that.


I dunno, I just remember we were told not to ask the question.


What if they made edible finger paint?

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How can I say it? It's different because he was close to even the staff. /: It's like a really close friend of yours getting banned but I think he did something really wrong for him to get banned.


I've been here since the start of tdn and it's kind of a touchy subject for most people who knew him a lot.


If it tasted good then I'd use it all the time 8D

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So Levy's the topic, huh? He went kind of crazy at the end there.... even I liked him before he did. Honestly I can't even remember what exactly he did to push him over the edge to a banning.... though he didn't take it well at all. I actually spoke to him through e-mail last month, he seems a lot more normal now.

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We could just, you know, ask Anime. And if she doesn't think it's our business to know, she'll tell us that.


Whatever the real reason was, I recall getting irritated when I read through his posts for attempted cataloging.


EDIT: Or Anime could just ninja me. *shrugs*

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Ohhhh. Now I remember. I just used my minja powers to go back and read some posts to remind me. Yea, he went overboard and ticked off management which lead to a brick wall.

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I just remember how he was apparently obsessed with battling (in the Battledome, I presume?), but eventually got better, and then got banned.


Strangely, I remember seeing him posting when I first started.

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