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Giovanni Gale

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I didn't know that they had Popeye's in NYC :eh: They do pwn KFC, but I still like Chick-Fil-A better. No one can beat Popeye's biscuits though.


They have a good amount of Popeye's in NYC, most of them in Brooklyn, which is the borough I live in. But there's still more KFC, and there's WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY more McD's.


In Manhattan, you see a McDs. Walk 3 blocks, and you find another one. And repeat.

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Oh no, that's three vegetarian FMs. They're taking over :O


Livvy you can still have Waffle Fries and Milk...shakes.......you can have milk...right? XD

Yes, phear us :evil:


Yep. Lacto-ovo. :yes: We've had at least 10 ice cream conversations since I returned.


From what I recall, KFC is a bit greasy for my tastes... but it's better than other chicken places I've tried. Chick-fil-A is still superior. Oh, and did I mention Chick-fil-A brownies? :woot:


EDIT: That's a lot of smileys.

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Yes, phear us :evil:


Yep. Lacto-ovo. :yes: We've had at least 10 ice cream conversations since I returned.


From what I recall, KFC is a bit greasy for my tastes... but it's better than other chicken places I've tried. Chick-fil-A is still superior. Oh, and did I mention Chick-fil-A brownies? :woot:


EDIT: That's a lot of smileys.


I didn't think about that. XD


I've never had a CFA brownie.


When I wrote my About Me, I had to edit it several times because I had too much smilies :P

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I often had to edit my posts due to them having 6 words instead of 7. And I couldn't think of any thing else to say.


This happens a lot in the Music thread, in which I would put "classic" or "awesomeness personified".

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Too late CAV.


Aw crap. I just HAD to mention chocolate. Aw well...


I pefer sour candy over chocolate.


And I think Trinston threw people into the Pit of Death, because THIS IS SPARTA!!!!!!

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Voice Correction Software/Autotune- they allow anyone to sing.


Well, not EVERYONE. Some people on their iphone autotune themselves and upload it to the global share and they're horrible.


Luckily, some people have some sense and made the dead gecko song b)

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The... dead gecko song? Dare I ask?


(Apparently, I dare. :O )


EDIT: You have to have talent to be famous. Some kind of talent. If they're stars, it's because someone recognizes that talent. I don't like Lady Gaga, but I freely admit that I enjoy the sound and beat of some of her songs. Just because you personally don't recognize her talent doesn't mean she doesn't have any.

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