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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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Ryan, I think that you have some sort of AC addiction.


Psychiatrist: Tell me when it all started....

Ryan: The first Altador Cup.....

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Oooh, realy? How about rainbow color? And can they smell like cookies? And can I get a special one named Mr. Fluffy? happy.gif



Yeah... :(

It's just so addicting! I love everything about the AC and there are few things I love everything about! :O

I tried to get a therapist for my problem once but then my therapist needed therapy... :(

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Good morning Doc! :D And I like unicorns. Mine is named Mr. Bob. *pats Mr. Bob* He smells like brownies. :laughingsmiley:


And MQ FTW!! And DC 2nd, RI 3rd, and KI 4th. :yes:

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I love how everyone is designing their unicorn. xD


We should make them just fill out a form. xD

Oh and mine likes acorns because then I can share mine. I keep a bag of acorns in my closet...

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That's a good idea. I do love unicorns. In addition to the smell, mine is the color blue of an underwater bonanza. It's horn is a brilliant sparkling limegreen.

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Welcome back, Doc!


My unicorn is imaginary-colored. He smells like almond and vanilla extract and likes cat food, because then I can share mine. :D Erm, I mean. :whistle: He's really little.

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My unicorn farts rainbows and poops butterflies :laughingsmiley: YIPPEE!!!


No they dont. They EAT rainbows and poop butterflies! Btw, I am pretty sure I know where you got that from. ;)

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Haha Spritzie, and LOL livvy! I am glistening smiles right now because I just ran around my block looking for my sister who was playing at my neighbors house.

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