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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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Psh, you didn't notice that. -points at something you still don't see- b)


Well, I killed CAV. But now I need a clone of him because I need someone to compete with... Who else will race me to All-star? Dx



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Sorry, but clones are illegal, therefore, you can't make one. Go compete with Tyler instead. Or Anisha. Anisha will race you to All-Star. Right, Anisha?


Oh wait. You don't get a say.

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TYLER! -Clings- Let's go race to whatever we can race too right now. Do you have any dream pets that you need to save up for a royal pb to get?



Anisha isn't competitive enough. :P

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I'm probably buying a Royal PB is a week or so. I'm painting my Krawk Royal Boy to trade.


I want Ultimate Riches. I'm a ways off. For now. I need a couple million for that.


Wait. Can I race too?

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Hello! It's my first time on the Hang Out and Post board. I'm going to try to keep up!


(Hi Spritzie! *waves* She invited me here :))



EDIT: I forgot to mention, I go by Lamppost. I'm new on TDN forums, but I've been on Neopets for 8 years.

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Welcome to our hang out Lamppost. :) I'm happy to see you post. (I saw you reading earlier.)


Do you still have your very first pet? If you don't, what was your first pet?


(And yes, Tyler, I'm discussing Neopets on the HOP board.) :ohno:

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I kind of still have my first pet. It's on a different account. I actually switched accounts 8 years ago... I still keep the other one as a side, but I haven't logged in for years. It was a Yellow Usul. My first pet on my main was a Blue Shoyru, but she's my lab rat, so now she's a he and is a Kau, I think... I don't keep track, I just keep zapping.


What about you?

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I still have all 4 of my originals, though my Lupe (He's Blue) is on a side. My very first was a Blue Shoyru (Spritzieblue) She's in my signature. And there's my Green Kougra, (EmeraldMount) and my Rainbow Jubjub, Lilbasketballbabe. (She was originally red, which explains her name.) :laughingsmiley: Other than my Jubjub, I haven't been able to bring myself to paint any of my other pets. They've been their original colors for 8 years.

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I don't have my first pet. It used to be lost in the pound, but now it's frozen. Mounty261 the White Ixi (created Red Ixi). I really wish I didn't abandon it :/

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Aww, poor abandoned pet...


I haven't painted my pets for years either. Although they're definitely not original. My Pink Elephante used to be a Werelupe. I switched because I thought Elephantes were cute, but unfortunately then they converted...

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I'm probably buying a Royal PB is a week or so. I'm painting my Krawk Royal Boy to trade.


I want Ultimate Riches. I'm a ways off. For now. I need a couple million for that.


Wait. Can I race too?


Me too. I think you're way ahead of me though. I've splurged too much. :laughingsmiley:


I painted my Ogrin shadow years ago. I really wanted a Desert Ogrin, but I decided that the PB is too expensive. I like the shadow now though.

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