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Giovanni Gale

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(Wow... 10 guests.) o_O


But Anisha, that's part of being siblings. My sister never hesitated to kick me out of anywhere she was that she didn't want me. :laughingsmiley:

Oh no. Not guests again. This time 10! :sad01_anim:


:laughingsmiley: My younger brother and I go cool. He is nice, and I help him sometimes. But my elder brother is ... a different story. <_<

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That reminds me of the Stick Figures on crack episodes. :P


SFOC WAS made with Pivot animation.


And it was funny the first few times, but I perfer the Pivot Randomisity Trilogy now.

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Stick Figures on Crack was a series of animations with stick figures. They were made by Pivot Master DX, a famous Pivot user. It's hard to find the series now, because xKrownx hacked his account, and closed everthing.


I perfer

now. It's 3 films and they're incredible.
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Lulz, waiting has forced me to play on another site where out of boredom i'm basically gonna get myself PWNed. Dx


And I really like both although the pencil does look a little nicer. :yes:



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