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Giovanni Gale

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Though no one is worse than my math teacher. :sad01_anim:


True, but I am older than you. So, go, now. Go sleep. You don't want to fall ill, do you? :guiltysmiley:


Yay! ^_^ I am so glad. Congrats on Super Membership.

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Math Teachers are the worst!


I guess not.. Well then, night! :P


Thank you! Now my account name is what I want my youtube name to be for when I get a video camera! My username will be the same as this one! :woot:

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They indeed are. Along with History Teachers. <_<


That's good. You need sleep. :yes: Good night. ^_^


Sounds cool. :yes: Congrats again. When are you getting your video camera? :O

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Anisha, since you're a cheerleader... question. I'm assuming your cheer leading uniforms are your school colors, right? What are your school colors? And do you guys have a mascot too?

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Anisha, since you're a cheerleader... question. I'm assuming your cheer leading uniforms are your school colors, right? What are your school colors? And do you guys have a mascot too?

Our school uniform, and cheerleading uniform are kinda different. In case of school uniform, we have greyish blue checkered skirt, and cream shirt, with a boring tie. But in case of cheerleading, the skirt is a little up towards our hip, it's not exactly checkered, and we don't have ties. :yes:

Sadly we don't have mascots. :O Are they any good?

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My HS's colors were brown and white. (Ick.) Originally, our mascot was an American Indian, named Eagle Beak, but a fit was thrown over it, so I don't remember what it became. But our teams were called the Terrors. (So, the Palmer Terrors. Why, I don't know.)

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American Indian? Sounds kinda good. :yes: Meh. We Indians are everywhere.

Cheerleading probably isn't that interesting. :/ It's hard. I wish I could take part in the athletic events instead.

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I didn't play sports in HS. I did play basketball in grade school. Then in the summer before 5th, I played on a softball team. And the summer before middle school, I played in a basketball league and another softball team. But in middle school, I focused more on band. (Plus, I wasn't allowed to play basketball in middle school.) My sister played basketball in middle school, but then she went to HS, my parents said no. They were afraid it'd get to competitive. (My sister was super competitive as it was. Plus she was good. She's 5'11. :laughingsmiley: She was always the tallest on the teams.) And since my sister couldn't play in HS, I wasn't allowed to play in MS, to make it fair.)

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I think that she means Native American, not from India :P


Native American is one of the popular mascots, along with fierce animals. My HS is Maroon/Grey/White and we're the Tigers :P My favorite color scheme is a HS across town that are blue cougars.

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I think that she means Native American, not from India :P


Native American is one of the popular mascots, along with fierce animals. My HS is Maroon/Grey/White and we're the Tigers :P My favorite color scheme is a HS across town that are blue cougars.


Ugh. Thank you. I was wondering why it didn't sound right in my head.


Here we have a wide range of mascots. My MS, was the Lancers, there's the Spartans, Thunderbirds, Rams, Huskies, Pirates... and that's all I can think of right now.

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lol, We were cheap but really good anyways :P In my graphic design class one of our assignments was to design the T-Shirt for our Alumni Baseball Tournament. XD (Yeah, get the students to do it) Mine was so epic, It was I roaring tiger emerging from a baseball. b)

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I totally missed this post. :O


I didn't play sports in HS. I did play basketball in grade school. Then in the summer before 5th, I played on a softball team. And the summer before middle school, I played in a basketball league and another softball team. But in middle school, I focused more on band. (Plus, I wasn't allowed to play basketball in middle school.) My sister played basketball in middle school, but then she went to HS, my parents said no. They were afraid it'd get to competitive. (My sister was super competitive as it was. Plus she was good. She's 5'11. :laughingsmiley: She was always the tallest on the teams.) And since my sister couldn't play in HS, I wasn't allowed to play in MS, to make it fair.)

Aw, you weren't allowed to play basketball. That somewhat sucks.

I am not much competitive. I am more into the shy side. :* I would rather sit in a corner, and write in my personal diary. Wait, I actually don't have any diary. x_x Anyways, yeah, in reality, I am pretty different.

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Being competitive is one of the reasons I had to stop sports. The only difference is that they were right, because I'm so competitive :evil:

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I've always been more sporty. Same with my sister. Plus, after I was 5, the couple my parents spent the most time with (We went camping with them, to New York, etc.) had a grandson that was right between me and my sister's age. And he was big into football and such. So we played a lot of sports with him. He taught me how to throw a football properly. He's most likely the reason I ended up with such a strong throwing arm. (Which got me stranded in the outfield in softball.)

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bah! I was never good at sports but now I can't figure out how to fix my shop, stupid html, lookie http://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=wemblin_wembly

:O It happens a lot of time with me. HTML is hard. :/ Have you gone through all the tutorials yet? I think you should ask for help here. :yes:


P.S. Sorry, I have the same problem. Can't help. :*

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yea that stupid they would let you play basketball and I loved sports as well my fave was volly ball and I did play a bit of softball too I dint really like basketball I wassent verry good at it Iam short and the basket is just so high lol


It ended up working out. I started focusing on band, and I ended up learning a 3rd instrument during middle school, and joining the school's Jazz Band. I'm short too. I'm 5'6. In grade school, I was a forward. If I'd continued in MS, I'd have become a guard. My sister was always a center because she was so tall. (5'11. She got the height from my dad, who is 6'2)

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It ended up working out. I started focusing on band, and I ended up learning a 3rd instrument during middle school, and joining the school's Jazz Band. I'm short too. I'm 5'6. In grade school, I was a forward. If I'd continued in MS, I'd have become a guard. My sister was always a center because she was so tall. (5'11. She got the height from my dad, who is 6'2)

Meh, don't worry, I am short too. :/ I am the shortest in my family. My mom is 5'6, my elder brother, who is nearly 20 is 6'1, and my younger brother(13 years) is 5'5. Being the shortest is super annoying. <_<

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Spritzie that so cool I coundent seem to play basketball I always had a hard time with it that why I stoped plying and just satyed with the volly ball softball oh and I forgot tennis too. I wassent much for the intruments but I was in a sing class dint go far in it thou can really sing that well

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