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Giovanni Gale

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Yeah, I love it. THe only downfall is that a billion other people come here and crowd the streets and think that they are awesome and shouldn't have to pay attention/the world revolves around them. False people especially if you are a bicycle, you do not belong on the road! Get on the shoulder or the sidewalk, you are not a car! *end rant*

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Awwwww its ok! I know what you mean though. Whenever I visit the beach, there are so many people! It must be so annoying for someone who actually LIVES there! Do you live there in the winter too? Most of my friends have "summer houses" at the beach.

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Yeah, we live here year round which makes the sudden influx of people from july to september all the more annoying. It is indeed a joyous day when all the people leave and it is once again peaceful in the streets.

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Yeah, its really awesome walking along the beach in the winter. No ones around and its quiet and cold and wonderful. Its a great place to meditate or pray or talk to god or collect your thoughts or what have you.

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That is so cool! I wanna do that. But of course, my parents wont take me in the winter. <_< Does it snow on the beach? Sorry for my questions but I am just curious about winter beaches. :)

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Ohhh you live on the Jersey Shore. I dont really make fun of Jersey people because of the shore, but I do watch it. I usually visit Margate.

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The problem with that show is that they should have more clearly asserted that the people on the show do not live at the beach year round. They are mostly from new york and long island and whatnot and come here to be ridiculous. I look and act nothing like them. I see them and make fun of them just as much as everyone else does, maybe even more :whistle:

And side note the first way to tell if people are from here is that we call it the beach. We always say we're going to the beach never the "shore". Big tourist tip off.

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I used to call it the beach, but then all of my friends started calling it the shore. I felt weird saying the beach and they were like, "What? Ohhh you mean THE SHORE!" :rolleyes_anim:


I've never been to Coney Island. Whats it like?

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I haven't been to Coney Island in years! Are the amusements Still there? I thought they were going to get rid of them? I used to love the water fountain that looked like a lion that you drank out of its mouth.

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They made these new rides in this new place called Luna Park. I hope they still have the rides from Astroland, I will be so angry if they got rid of the bumper cars.


Coney Island is old, and it shows. But it's a classic place that brings so many memories, and creates new ones. They have the people that'll rip you off, like the woman with a snake for a body. It was just some snake charmer.


But the rides and the carnival games bring you back. I remember almost coughing up my spleen on the Cyclone, or smashing into people on the bumper cars. The fireworks are cool. And Keyspan Park is there, which is home of the Brooklyn Cyclones, which is a minor league team for THE METS, MY FAVORITE BASEBALL TEAM. The beach is a little dirty, but is still habitable, and the aquarium is great.


You should visit sometime, if they didn't tear EVERYTHING down for Luna Park. I haven't been there for a year, so I haven't seen Luna Park.

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Nathan's hot dogs. :D I definetly watched their annual hot dog eating contest a few days ago. On ESPN. :D It was gross/hilarious. This winner ate...64 or something like that in 10 minutes. Crazyyy.

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Lulz, i'm sorry Spritzie. Dx



-Would say that he's having pizza soon but dosen't wanna mke Spritzie hungrier-


Late, as usual, I know. But I had to leave last night because of all the food talk. After dinner, I couldn't eat again, because I had to fast for getting blood work done today. And I was hungry. :( HMPH! But now it's done and I can eat.


Those pictures of snow on the beach were gorgeous!

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