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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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Aww, she is just worrying. And I'm sure she'll be a bit more lenient down the road.

My mom was sort of like that with my brother and I when we lived together, but as I got older she saw that I was the far more responsible one (haha) and let me do more things. I'm 20 and she still sometimes worries when I'm out late or hanging out in the city, heh, that's just a mother's job I suppose.


And Toy Story is far superior to Twilight! :D

:laughingsmiley: Aw, moms. They are always alike. After my so-called-dad left, my mom changed. She worries a lot now. But still, my brothers get all th advantage. <_< Starting from chocolates to freedom/responsibility.

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I dont really have a list but I really like Desert Pets. I dont know why though...I think it might be my favorite PB if I was counting ALL of the pets in the color. It is OVERALL the best, I think.

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My favorite PB is probably Maraquan. Hmmm, I wish it was Zombie because I feel the color has so much potential for being pretty gruesome but all the pets look the same. Meh.

This pizza is really, really good. *chew chew chew*

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Just plain, I'm not too big on toppings. Unless it's chicken and broccoli but a pie of that is SO expensive!

Pineapple pizza is awesome. Pineapples on ANYTHING is awesome, really!

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I think I like Faerie the best. Because I like girly stuff, with pretty colors and flittery wings. :laughingsmiley:


For me, there's certain species that stand out in each color. Like the Christmas Jubjub is tons above the rest. Maraquan: Gelert, Grarrl, Kougra, Draik.

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Pepperoni ftw! :P


I've never understood how people like pineaple pizza, I mean... Just, ew. o.o


Mean child. I is mad at you know.


Just plain, I'm not too big on toppings. Unless it's chicken and broccoli but a pie of that is SO expensive!

Pineapple pizza is awesome. Pineapples on ANYTHING is awesome, really!


I agree! Except about broccoli...I dont really like broccoli. :sad01_anim:


EDIT: Spritzie, I love Faerie also! Haha. I feel really girly now.

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Yuck, I hate pineapple. sick01.gif


But chicken and broccoli sounds good. smile_anim.gif



I think I like Faerie the best. Because I like girly stuff, with pretty colors and flittery wings. laughingsmiley.gif

FAERIELAND FTW! -Would love to be on FL-

-Sees CAV- Er, I mean, ahem...


Mean child. I is mad at you know.

You too? :P

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The faerie Skeith is unintentionally hilarious. There's no way he can fly!

Oh BLAH, I went to grab another slice and it's all gone. Just meatball pizza left. (YUCK!) My mom's boyfriend is over with all of his kids and they eat everything in the house, it's like a hurricane scene afterward.

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Ahhhh the fat Skeith. Lol!


I am so sorry! It is just like that at my house EVERYDAY because my dad always has the neighborhood dads over. <_<

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I haven't been posting on the HOP board today as much as I usually do :/


But my favorites are on my about me page XD.

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Never heard of it. O___o I'm assuming I should stay away from that show if I want to keep my sanity? (I don't really watch TV anyway, heh, more of a movie junkie and old series dork.)

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