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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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Me either! Google has left the forum! :laughingsmiley:


They went to go stalk some other boards!


Noog, post more stuff! I'm bored! Nao! >=D


Me too! I'm thinking about sleeping.

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Lulz, what's it carrying? xD




-Reads boards- Us DCers are so manly. Many of us cried at the end of Twilight, our leader has a Hannah Montanna song on his ipod, Nick bakes, ect... b)

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I like the movies, but I haven't read the books. The movies are pretty epic.

Went and seen Eclipse a few days ago.

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I hate both the movies and books.


Oh! And our leaders cousin just went to see Toy Story(Actually Twilight but it got filtered), I cried at the end of Watership Down, Bob likes to cook Duck Curry. The manliness is epic from this board. b)

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Thar, no more Senorgif tyler :P


How absurd, its obviously a dog :/


EDIT: I just realized that it was, in fact, Tyler that found this "cat". *pokes image*

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WHeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee painkiller making me looopy doopy loopy doopy..


Guys, im sorry but there's something you must know... Im superman. :laughingsmiley:

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Really, ca-cause theres sumthin I have to t-tell you too... Did'ya know that I... am catwoman?


We could fight crime together, and then... start a business! Whatcha th...think? -falls over-




Edit: Oh dear, I seem to have become extremely bored...

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Ohno! I hayt it when thah happens!


Okay... i'll be waiting and-and then... we can go beat up evil dudes, like that Noog guy, i've n...never trusted -yawns and falls over-

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Doc, doc, what's up DOC? Hahaha! Any-anyway, we should go get that google guy, he... or she cause I d...don't know what the seach engines gender is, anyway! Anyway! We, like us, should go like go... -falls asleep-

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lol. We need to have fun here. It's only 9 here and I'm getting tired. I can't even go to sleep either. *is waiting for the AC results and prize shop*

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Google is a she? I didn't know that... thank you Tyler. :yes:


Then what's Bing? o.o



Uh, Noog, those aren't gonna be released until tomorrow afternoon with the news... o.o

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