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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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However many words takes up that many lines- that is the word limit :P


No thanks, although we've had conversations faster than the HOP in the word games. XD Too bad those don't count.


EDIT: I've reached 2000 posts (including the ones that don't count XD) But that doesn't matter anyways ;)

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Active Posts:5,484 (6.71 per day)

Most Active In:Forum Fun / Word Games (2447 posts)


I blame Anisha, Yoshino, and Noog. -Used to barely ever go to games forum-


I wanna see if I can get more posts in the games forum than I have total in rank-counting posts. tongue.gif

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lol Ryan, I think that I'm the one that pulled you in initially like a year ago XD


This past month I've had so many word game posts though. XD

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lol Ryan, I think that I'm the one that pulled you in initially like a year ago XD


This past month I've had so many word game posts though. XD

Yes, you got me up to about 1k posts, then I got bored, and then Anisha made it like super active over there, followed by a bunch of new games from Yoshino, and now you specifically Noog are keeping my active there along with Tyler, Viridian, Anisha, ect... <.<




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Doc- I'm sorry! You can chat IM style with me, if you want! :>


I want to add one of my fav quotes to my sig maybe. too bad I'd have to edit out all the profanity.

ugh this empty space is uncomfortable.


Haha I dont care.. im just happy to be around people! :D

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The topic is about me.

About how great I am.

Discuss <3


Your so great, that we don't even need to discuss how great you are!

Espically your drawing skills! They pwn.




That's how I am. I think it's weird when you see people on a board, but not posting.

It makes me feel...stalked.

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Welcome back Adis and temporary bye to Ryan.


I'm glad I inspire other people to get more posts than myself. XD


Luciana's Profile pic is awesome :P

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Hahaha! I love you guys. :-P


That's how I am. I think it's weird when you see people on a board, but not posting.

It makes me feel...stalked.

I'm gonna stop posting and just follow you around and do that. he he he +w+

jk. But I am gonna go to sleep. I start my art classes tomorrow so I need rest. woo sleeping! Goodnight!

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Doc's post reminded me to change my member title

anyway what is the topic o_O


I have no clue. But I'm watching Avatar the last airbender XD. Not trying to start the conversation back up


Hahaha! I love you guys. :-P



I'm gonna stop posting and just follow you around and do that. he he he +w+

jk. But I am gonna go to sleep. I start my art classes tomorrow so I need rest. woo sleeping! Goodnight!


XD. That would be weird bahah. Have fun on your art class! Make me proud!! :crying:

They grow up so fast. And use the muliquote button :D


Edit: Did I kill it? "Come back alive, darn you! You're too young to die!"

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Hahaha! I love you guys. :-P



I'm gonna stop posting and just follow you around and do that. he he he +w+

jk. But I am gonna go to sleep. I start my art classes tomorrow so I need rest. woo sleeping! Goodnight!


Goodnight Luciana


*adds random text to make sure mods dont get onto him* :whistle:

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Why does google watch everyone else, and I get Yahoo? *is offended*




I'm not being watched anymore! :C

I just edited by last post, and then you replied XD

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Goodnight Luciana


*adds random text to make sure mods dont get onto him* :whistle:


Ok, you got it in time! XD. I was going to put -cough cough-


Good luck Luciana. ^^




It's alive again! Muahah.

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I'm not being watched anymore! :C

I just edited by last post, and then you replied XD


Me either! Google has left the forum! :laughingsmiley:

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