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Giovanni Gale

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I'm just glad I didn't deal with her much, as the years went on. I never saw her in HS, even though we went to the same way. But there was about 1k kids, just in the graduating class. So it was a big school.


1k in the graduating class?! Wow! In my school, there are about 800-900 people in a grade. :yes:

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It was the first HS here. And now, it's still the biggest. It has special programs that no other schools offer, like the IB program.


Yeah, the have the IB program in the HS I am going to go to school. I might do it...

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Woah, snap! 1k in the grad class? I mean, we have MAYBE 800 in our Freshman class, and end up with about 500 in the grad. Our school has a couple magnet programs, as well as AP (equivalent of IB) classes. I'm in the Discovery magnet, meaning I had to do two research projects: one in freshman and sophomore year, and one in junior year.

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1k in the graduating class?! Wow! In my school, there are about 800-900 people in a grade. :yes:

You have 800-900 people in a grade!?! That must be a big school. I think that there were about 900 people in my whole high school.

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You have 800-900 people in a grade!?! That must be a big school. I think that there were about 900 people in my whole high school.


Yeah, it is a big school. I think it is good because there are so many people that you can be friends with!


And we have AP and IB.

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IB stands for International Baccalaureate.


Beyond that... I have no idea.


And my HS had AP as well as IB.



Yeah, IB is for advanced kids who want to be part of a close knit group. Instead of going to regular classes, you go to ones with the kids in the program. That is my understanding of it. And AP is just advanced classes.

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IB is more advanced than AP, since IB is ranked on an international scale. It's more impressive for colleges and stuff than AP. Unfortunately, my school only just applied for the IB program, so once we have it, I'll be a senior, and I won't ever be able to take it :(


Edit: IB is kind of an international education system, but AP is limited to the US. So IB is kinda more challenging and prestigious. It's not really about having a close-knit group of smart people.

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Ahh, thank you. I wish my school had IB... But here in South Carolina, we don't think about international stuff. :P We're lowest in almost everything in the COUNTRY; we don't need to start comparing ourselves to the rest of the world.

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And as far as I know, at least here, AP classes aren't always just advanced, but you take a test at the end, and if you pass, if can count as a college credit. (My sister took AP Calculus.) I stuck with just Honors classes in HS.

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That is exactly what my mom said when we lived in South Carolina! "This place is sooo uninternational!"


EDIT: Ahhh thanks Spritzie! More to think about...*walks off muttering to self*

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You lived in SC, Div? Cool! What part?


Yeah, AP counts as a college credit if you get a certain score on the AP exam at the end. (3 or above.) I've taken a bunch of APs, so I've got the whole spiel pretty much memorized.

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Really?! Middle schools?? What is the world coming too?? :laughingsmiley: Mine should have it. <_<


EDIT: livvy I lived in Columbia, but only for about a year. My daddy was their for business or something. :yes:

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Yeah, AP counts as a college credit if you get a certain score on the AP exam at the end. (3 or above.) I've taken a bunch of APs, so I've got the whole spiel pretty much memorized.


:laughingsmiley: I stayed clear of AP classes. I stuck with Honors. My sister was the super-brain though. Always was.

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I just realized that we are talking about school in the summer! Ahh! Anyway, I have a year until HS, plenty of time.

:laughingsmiley: My summer holidays are over. So ... bleh.


I am in HS, and I seem to enjoy it. :yes: Nonetheless.

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Hahahaha Spritzie. And Anisha, summer vacation is over??? How long was yours?

Hmmn, let me see. One and a half month, I guess. :laughingsmiley:


Pretty unfair, but ... Goa is like that. Super selfish when it comes to holidays. <_<

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