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Giovanni Gale

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Do they constantly come to your board and diss people named Ryan? :(




Also, on an unrelated note, hand sanitizer dispensers hate me and I can now only see out of one eye...

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Also, on an unrelated note, hand sanitizer dispensers hate me and I can now only see out of one eye...

Haha, that is very unfortunate but it did make me laugh, sorry :whistle:

If it makes you feel better, I got super sunburnt in a ridiculous shape on my right foot some how and not the left which is even more ridiculous looking because of the large scar on that foot.

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I can't swim. I was at the wave pool in Dorney Park once, and as I went farther into the pool, the waves started moving. A wave smacked me in the head and I nearly fell unconcious. As I tried to get up, waves kept smacking me in the head. I couldn't breath. My first thought was "I'm going to die". I then found my way out. I had a bad headache for the rest of the day.

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I quite enjoy swimming, mainly because it's the only sport I'm physically capable of participating in (thanks to a genetic disorder). However, I'm nowhere near as good at it as I once was, and my disorder is only going to degrade my skills further. Still, I enjoy it while it lasts. :)


Sibling? Who?

Couldn't you tell from the arrow? ;)


And do you HAMS leaders/founders use 'xD' this smiley a lot? :laughingsmiley:

me and Ryan use it too much. xD is our motto, actually :P

For the record, the quote in my signature predates this significantly. :P


Also, on an unrelated note, hand sanitizer dispensers hate me and I can now only see out of one eye...

:O That sounds exactly like this incident I had waaay back in the day!

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Lulz, I hate that feeling. Have you ever been at the bottom of a pool, not known how to swim, looked upwards, and thought "Well I had a good run..." Ahhh memories... xD



And btw, the thing about your life flashing before your eyes is so untrue! I feel ripped-off! D=<

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Lulz, I hate that feeling. Have you ever been at the bottom of a pool, not known how to swim, looked upwards, and thought "Well I had a good run..." Ahhh memories... xD

Well in the incidents I had, I was thinking more along the lines of, "Which way is up?!" :P


And btw, the thing about your life flashing before your eyes is so untrue! I feel ripped-off! D=<

I believe this process is known as 'living'. ;)

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Also, on an unrelated note, hand sanitizer dispensers hate me and I can now only see out of one eye...


Lulz. They hate me too. In my therepist's (I know I spelled that wrong) office, there's a bunch of dispensers. There's nothing in any of them, and my hands are dirty.

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Lulz. They hate me too. In my therepist's (I know I spelled that wrong) office, there's a bunch of dispensers. There's nothing in any of them, and my hands are dirty.



The worst ones are the automatic ones. Call me a control freak, but I like to be able to know how much hand sanitizer is going to appear in my hand...

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We need to get together and start a dispenser revolution! :evil:


Grab your torches and pitchforks!

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domino, you REALLY need to stop dissapearing :P

I hate those things too, bad experiences


I knows. Dun worry. I'm back, since summer started. Today. Yes. Finals were stressful. And I had a few stressful encounters with automatic hand sanitizer dispensers too. <_<

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hmm.. I wonder what my parents would say if I ripped apart the one in my bathroom

Well, if that's too much of a problem, just BURN IT! :devil:


Alternatively, we could start slipping in safer replacements...

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Who even came up with the idea anyway? I mean...there's SOMETHING unnatural about not using soap and water...who was the idiot who had a problem with soap and water in the first place? Crazy world we live in... :evo:

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Well, I guess detergents are cheaper and less environmentally damaging in some ways... but really, the dispensers suck. <_<


Let's brainstorm and try and figure out something that works better! :D

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Why not keep all the detergent in little water-soluble packets? We could place stacks of packets in a box or something by each sink. Then, when we want to wash our hands, we can just grab a packet, turn on the tap, and start rubbing. :)

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The water solubility would probably keep things environmentally friendly. :yes: However, packaging things in small packets would use a lot more resources, so it would be rather on the expensive side...


Blast economics! xD

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Anything that will keep me from losing my sight again for about 20 min. -Does something resembling winking multiple times-


And ha, everyone at the DC Minions board is either really mad at TNT right now or scared. We're brainstorming words. Curious, anxious, scared, antsy, ect...

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I know! Back to the drawing board...what about....ooh. Brilliant idea. Everywhere there is hand sanitizer, there is a person hired to dispense it. Therefore more jobs are created, and that stimulates the economy. :laughingsmiley: Government supported of course. The National Hygenic Security Council (NHSC) should be formed. ^_^

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Anything that will keep me from losing my sight again for about 20 min. -Does something resembling winking multiple times-

Agreed! I still have to duck whenever I use a soap dispenser, and clean the nozzles regularly. xD


And ha, everyone at the DC Minions board is either really mad at TNT right now or scared. We're brainstorming words. Curious, anxious, scared, antsy, ect...

We're keeping an eye on things so we can have coverage as soon as the results come out - which may take a while, seeing as it's a weekend for TNT. :(


However, I might just be able to spin something up to keep all the AC fans entertained. ;)


I know! Back to the drawing board...what about....ooh. Brilliant idea. Everywhere there is hand sanitizer, there is a person hired to dispense it. Therefore more jobs are created, and that stimulates the economy. :laughingsmiley: Government supported of course. The National Hygenic Security Council (NHSC) should be formed. ^_^

That sounds pretty sweet! Sanitation engineers for the win! :D

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Woohooo! I'll be the first member of the NHSC. You're all hired too. Of course, you have to understand the dangers of hand sanitizer to be allowed to work on the council. We can't just let anyone in, you know.

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