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Giovanni Gale

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Nah. I always figured those "It's ok, I'm not a planet either" kinda shirts were for females. Male shirts would say "HAHA! Pluto's not a planet! You suck!"


Not all females are understanding, and not all males are...I have to watch my language here, don't I? Not all males are donkeys.

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I just found my T-shirt that says "I have multiple Personalities disorder, an none of them like you." but other than that I have nothing interesting to say.

That's an epic shirt.

But don't wear it whenever you meet me. :laughingsmiley:


Well, I'm currently working on my Yooyu comic and its looking so much cool now that its almost done being colored. Anybody else draw anything else cool lately or ever?

Really? I love comics. I would love to see yours. Tell me when they are completed, okay?

And by the way, how far are you to the end.


To be honest, I am a bad bad bad bad painter. I can't even hold my pencil properly.

Though my handwriting is readable. :laughingsmiley:

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Oh yeah, that comic is funny, I saw it like 2 weeks ago. xD


And just for that i'm gong to come meet you tomorrow and i'm going to wear that shirt. And possibly multi-colored socks cause that's just plain awsome. xD

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Oh yeah, that comic is funny, I saw it like 2 weeks ago. xD


And just for that i'm gong to come meet you tomorrow and i'm going to wear that shirt. And possibly multi-colored socks cause that's just plain awsome. xD

Yeah. And I am going to wear DC's jersey.


Seesh! I can't believe I am wearing something of my enemy team. :laughingsmiley:


Multi colored as in brightly colored or as in two different socks because I admit I don't ever wear matching socks and I still insist I was doing that before it was "cool".

I wear matching socks.


Actually, my dressing style is quite simple. And I agree, I am a geek when it comes to fashion.

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I tend to wear geeky stuff too. Collared shirts to school 2/5 days a week. xD


And okay, i'd be fine with that actually because wearing a DC jersey means you av admitted that we PWN your team, as far as we're concerned. xD

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did I just see a couple of Ruto's posts? :O

anyway, I'm wearing red and yellow right now, 'cause i'm that awesome :P

Yup! It was Ruto. I was surprised to see her too.


Yellow and Red? Shenkuu all the way. :laughingsmiley: This was predictable, Tyler.


I tend to wear geeky stuff too. Collared shirts to school 2/5 days a week. xD


And okay, i'd be fine with that actually because wearing a DC jersey means you av admitted that we PWN your team, as far as we're concerned. xD

Who said Collared shirts are geeky? :O They look awesome. They are the fashion these days, kiddo.

I wear simple things like a solid colored top and normal jeans. Suits me well enough.


Oh wait! Our match isn't over yet! We Maraquans have an evil side ... :evil: You have no idea.

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Over at my school they are. xD


Other than that I wear solid shirts too, and the last time I wore shorts was in 1st grade... o.o'



Let's stop talking about fashion. It somewhat gives me creeps.

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Hehe. Yellow and red. :] I wear a lot of green since it's my favorite color and I'm a bit limited in my wardrobe. I didn't bring all my clothes with me when I moved...like I left all my winter clothes at home. Hehe. But I like my slacks since I got some made especially for me. *nods* :]

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I am not really into fashion, as shocking as that seems. The only thing I take any interest in is dresses, but I wont discuss that now, probably much to your relief! :laughingsmiley: I will just say that I like oranges and blues. But I definitely like other colors and plenty of designs too.

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Divya, I'm the same. I'm not into the whole fashion thing and never was. I am probably a bit more into shoes than clothing in general. I just like wearing whatever I like, no matter the tag.


And ooo...Wemblin. :] That's awesome. *nods* I looked. Hehe.


I have training tomorrow. :]

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