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Giovanni Gale

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I've never used cheats on games. Even with a game my sister and I used to play, Chip's Challenge.. (Very very old school, for people that haven't heard of it.) It had a code you got after completeing a level, that unlocked the next one. It never occured to me, to try to search it online.

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i know that this topic already passed but just beat AAA on the game challenge, no Im gonaa see if i really can sell it for 30k, and if the rainbow paintbrush price has gone back up.


anyway, on the current topic, i only use cheats for video game, PS2 Wii etc., not for RPGs and such speaking of which anyone play Runescape? I used to but haven't been on in a while

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I tried Runescape. Played for an hour. Got tired of it. Quit. Haven't used it since. After playing Runescape has stopped me from even being remotely near World of Warcraft. How that game angers me...

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since I was banned from Ikariam for no reason <_< and my 10 day free trial for WoW ended, VPN and TS are down, and I pretty much hate all other MMOs (INCLUDING Runescape), I don't play any games like that.

I stick with PC games not online, and console games

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I've never really played MMOs. The only one I've played is Maplestory. Shawn has me playing Diablo 2 now. :laughingsmiley: We play that on the multiplayer, with just the two of us.

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When he first showed it to me, I wasn't even remotely interested. But he got it installed on my computer a couple weeks ago, and asked me if I'd try it, so I did. It's actually pretty fun.

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I hate MMOs. I don't play PC games either. But if their was any PC game for me to reccommend, it's Left 4 Dead 2. I have it for Xbox, and it's great online for either PC or Xbox. WARNING: Rated M for extreme gore.


Modern Warfare 2 is also good for Xbox, PS3 and PC. Also rated M.

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I enjoy Maplestory. I miss playing it. I haven't gotten to play it in months, because for awhile, my husband's computer was the only one that could connect to the internet. Now his can't, but mine can't. I can't even remember the last time we really played it.


I think it's fun because it's all cutesy. That's the kind of stuff I like. I don't go for what war type games. Which is why I was shocked he talked me into playing Diablo, and I actually enjoy it.

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My husband loves that type of stuff. Those have always been his favorites. I can watch CSI, but I can't play those games. :laughingsmiley: The sound effects from him playing them are bad enough.

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Portal is a good PC game.

I want to try Aion. It looks like a good MMO

I really have no favorite type of video game. I like a little of them all

I love RPGs. My favorites being the final fantasy games

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CSI is a pretty good show, but I like NCIS better. There is less blood and gore, which I hate. Blood on TV/Computer/Game systems makes me feel sick, but I can stand it in real life. I wonder why??

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I don't have a favorite game type. I like a lot of each (RPGs being my least favorite), first person (and third person) shooters, puzzles, action/adventures, fighting. I don't care weither or not there's blood and gore. To me, it's simply a little add on. But my father cares if there's nudity, which is why I've never played Grand Theft Auto.


My favorite show of all time is also the longest running, The Simpsons! I'd fall apart if it ever ended.

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A LOT of the kids at my school are OBSESSED with Call of Duty. I tell you, OBSESSED! They compare the amount of days they can go without playing it, which is about 1/2!!!!!! I am starting to get worried... :laughingsmiley:


I doubt the Simpsons would end because it is soo popular. I love love love Gossip Girl, 90210, and NCIS. Those 3 shows=my life. :laughingsmiley:

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I haven't watched tv in forever. But I was big on the CBS crime shows. I watched nearly all of them, when I had nothing better to do. All 3 CSIs, Criminal Minds, The Mentalist, NCIS, Eleventh Hour (Before it was cancelled), and Numb3rs. I loved Flashpoint, when they had it on during the off season. I still miss Shark, from a few years ago.

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I thought it was a unique idea for a show. And it got copied pretty quickly, like the Mentalist (He worked for the CA equivalent of the FBI) then Eleventh Hour, with a scientist working for the FBI. But they were different enough they worked well. Where as other shows, are done 50-million different ways, until people just can't bear the thought of watching them anymore.

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Yeah, a lot of teen shows are like that. However, I still enjoy watching them. :laughingsmiley: Nice job finding Tarla, btw. Thanks!

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