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Giovanni Gale

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I love cars too. I love trying to figure out a car model by the headlights in my rear-view mirror at night. I used to love the Dodge Viper. I'm a Toyota girl though. Of my 3 cars since I've had my own, I had 2 Toyotas (My first, a Camry. 3rd, Rav4.) and one Honda. (Civic)


Toyota's are a family favorite. One of my mom's first cars was a Toyota Celica. My sister has a Celica now. My family has had a Camry and Land Cruiser new. (Camry being an 1982 I think. The LC was bought in 1992) And my parents have an old Toyota mini-van.


I drove for the first time when I was 14. My mom let me drive in an empty mall parking lot. I got my permit one month after I turned 15. Got my license the day I turned 16. So I've been driving for 9 years and 10 months now.


EDIT: And Cav, I was asking you too, what your favorite cars were.

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Here, it's 15, with a permit, which means you can drive as long as someone in the car is 21+ and a licensed driver.


With 16, license, you can do whatever. Though when I got my license, there were restrictions until 17. You weren't allowed to drive between midnight and 5 am I think. I only broke that once, because I was baby-sitting until 1am.

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Wow. You are sure lucky. India has got lots of traditions and stuff. And here they say that a person might get spoilt driving at young age. I see no point in it. Though many people in India drive without license. My brother once did. But when my parents knew it, he was like, "I didn't do that!"

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I always thought that that was kind of weird. I am not against it but...if you already have all of those privileges then why not drink? However I do not think the drinking age should be lowered because it would be wayyyy to bad for the teens.

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I know. These kids seems pointless to me. Don't they have anything else to do? The seniors in our school when graduated, they burst bombs in our school playground. According to them, it was a prank, a graduation prank. But they really scared the crap out me. That time I was 13 years old and we were having our Art Classes (I think) and the graduation ceremony was taking place in our school assembly. And then we heard a big BAAM! Obviously the boys who did this didn't get scoldings or punishment or whatever. They had already graduated. They were no longer students. Smart, weren't they? <_<

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EDIT: And Cav, I was asking you too, what your favorite cars were.


Sorry, I wasn't online at the moment. I don't have a specific favorite, but I do like Acuras. Other cars are cool too.

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Did you clear the mist today? I missed Tarla 3 times today. Can you believe it? 3 times! I am still trying. Refreshing every 5 mins.


EDIT: Found her! Yay! I cleared the mist.


I got the mist cleared at about 10:25NST today, then I got offline. I refused to leave the comp until I had cleared it.


Sorry, I wasn't online at the moment. I don't have a specific favorite, but I do like Acuras. Other cars are cool too.


Acuras are nice cars. They're in the same parent company with Honda. Like Lexus is with Toyota. Same with Infinity and Nissian. Mercury/Ford/Jaguar. That's why I like Lexus and Acura as well. They'll run for a long time. (The local Toyota dealer actually considers my car "vintage" because it's a 2000. :laughingsmiley: ) So I get cheap oil changes, free car washes, and free 27 point inspections.


I found her right now. I am glad. Hey Divya, Where's Spritzie? She isn't online.


I wasn't feeling well today, so we were out. Went out for lunch, ran by the mall, went to the library.


Nice job finding her! Hmm...I dont know where Spritzie is. Maybe she is actually doing work! *gasp* :laughingsmiley:


Meanie! Pfft as if I'd actually be doing work! :laughingsmiley: I'm off today. I finished up my work week Wednesday afternoon. I don't go back until Sunday morning.


Oh! I had totally forgotten. She must be at work right now. :laughingsmiley:


Nope. No work. When I'm at work, is when I'm online the most. (sounds backwards doesn't it?) I was off running errands and such. I have a hard time staying in the apartment when I'm off work. I'm always itching to go somewhere... anywhere.

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You're moving? Where? And why don't you like Colorado?


We're leaving our current apartment. Moving to another one... possibly. He's talking about going into the Air Force... which if that happens... we'd move into a house on the base. But it's only in the discussing stage. I can't leave CO. Not even the city. My mom's health is just getting worse. My dad is being forced to work 2 jobs right now. (He's getting paid for only one. Because they lost 2 people unexpectedly, one to deployment, the other quit.) He has to cover his normal job, out of Denver, then he has to cover his old customer account.


So he's just not around enough for what she needs.


I love CO. The only thing I hate, is the cold. And snow.

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