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Giovanni Gale

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Nice! You are a rather tallish person. I am short and I am just barely 5 ft. I hope to someday reach the height of the grand 5'5. Like that'll ever happen. :laughingsmiley:

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Aww! That was so cute. They thought that your dad was your bf? Wow. He must be very young looking. :yes:


In our family, I am the only one who's short. My brother is 6'3 and he is 20 right now.

I look so much different from my parents. I am very pale, unlike for an Indian. I have bushy or kind of curly black hair. But both my parents have straight. And I have big brown eyes (most of the Indians or Asians have black eyes).


Sometimes it makes me feel so different from my family. And my cousin tease me that I am adopted or something. I just hate them. <_< But it's okay. I am over it.

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I look just like my dad. Everything. If I moved to India I would fit right in, or at least I do when I visit. However my clothes and personality and attitude are wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy different. I can speak a little Hindi too. Hey Anisha, what city do you live in? Dont answer if it is to personal...

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I look just like my dad. Everything. If I moved to India I would fit right in, or at least I do when I visit. However my clothes and personality and attitude are wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy different. I can speak a little Hindi too. Hey Anisha, what city do you live in? Dont answer if it is to personal...

I used to live in Mumbai. But we have shifted to Goa right now. Tell me when you visit over here. I would love to see you. ^_^


And obviously I know Hindi very well. But I can make mistakes while writing and stuffs. Over all, I am pretty good at it.

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:laughingsmiley: People finally just now are beginning to think he's aging a bit. (He's now 51) He just looks younger than most at that age. But he's tall, slim, no grey hair and he's not losing it. (His brother is 95% bald, and he's younger than my dad)


I look different from my family a bit. I take after my mom more. I have more the height and body shape of my mom. (She's 5'4. I'm 5'6) My sister took after my dad. (He's 6'2, she's 5'11)


My whole family, except me, has blue eyes. Mine are green. My whole family was blonde as kids. (My mom and I had almost white blonde hair when we were young.) I kept the blonde the longest. Now my sister and dad have med brown. And my mom's is so dark, it's nearly black. But now, we all have dark hair. :laughingsmiley: My sister is dying her hair nearly black. And I decided to go dark in January, with a black cherry color. (Dark brown-ish, with slight red hints.)

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I used to live in Mumbai. But we have shifted to Goa right now. Tell me when you visit over here. I would love to see you. ^_^



I went to Mumbai last year! I have never been to Goa though. I mainly go to Dehli, ummm the Himalayas of course, and Calcutta. That is where my family lives except for the mountains. We go there because we CANNOT stand the heat!

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Wow Spritzie, you are blonde and have green eyes. You must be beautiful. :)


In India, everyone has black hair and eyes. So, it's kind of boring, you know. I sometimes like the foreign better than India. The people, the cities ... everything. Wish I was born in US, lol.


I went to Mumbai last year! I have never been to Goa though. I mainly go to Dehli, ummm the Himalayas of course, and Calcutta. That is where my family lives except for the mountains. We go there because we CANNOT stand the heat!

I know what do you mean. It's really hot here in India. I just hate it! But Goa has a nice climate and I am glad about it. You should check it out. It's amazing. Kolkata is way too hot. We go their in winters only.

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I look TOTALLY different than all of my friends. I look like..Well just look at my pro pic. There are maybe 3 Indian kids in my school of 1000+ people. All of my friends are totally different from each other too. Except for the one, two, three...7 pairs of twins! :laughingsmiley:

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I look TOTALLY different than all of my friends. I look like..Well just look at my pro pic. There are maybe 3 Indian kids in my school of 1000+ people. All of my friends are totally different from each other too. Except for the one, two, three...7 pairs of twins! :laughingsmiley:

I can imagine. I have seen in different movies (obviously). It must be wonderful.


Hey Divya, in which city you live? And hows the school there?

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Where I live is very divserse. I actually went to school with a couple of Indian kids. We had neighbors that were. No one here really looks that much a like.


Hispanics, probably make up the second biggest part of the population. Mostly from Mexico. But I used to know quite a few families from different countries, like Cuba, Central America... etc.

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Where I live is very divserse. I actually went to school with a couple of Indian kids. We had neighbors that were. No one here really looks that much a like.


Hispanics, probably make up the second biggest part of the population. Mostly from Mexico. But I used to know quite a few families from different countries, like Cuba, Central America... etc.

I had once seen some people from France when we went on a study tour to Rajasthan (It's in India). The people were very friendly. They told us many things about French people and stuffs. I somewhat enjoyed it.


I found Tarla!!!! http://www.neopets.com/games/play.phtml?game_id=885


OMG! I FOUND HER!!! :laughingsmiley: :laughingsmiley: :laughingsmiley:

Way to go girl! You did an amazing work! :)

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Yeah. I meet a lot of transfer students and right now we have a kid named Francesco living in our house! He is Italian. He 13, but he has the baby cute look. :)

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I learned a bit about the Russian culture, because I had a pen pal in Russia for a few years. my sister had a pen pal in Japan. That was always cool.


Plus my husband is very into the culture of Japan. So I'm learning about that... I might even learn Japanese with him. (He started learning it a while back.)


Personally, my favorite culture is the Egyptian culture. I used to have a couple friends there. They would get tired of me asking so many questions, so they'd just sent me pictures. :laughingsmiley: I actually named my kitten Cairo.

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Yeah. I meet a lot of transfer students and right now we have a kid named Francesco living in our house! He is Italian. He 13, but he has the baby cute look. :)

lol. Yeah I know. Foreigners always look cute to me, no matter what.


I learned a bit about the Russian culture, because I had a pen pal in Russia for a few years. my sister had a pen pal in Japan. That was always cool.


Plus my husband is very into the culture of Japan. So I'm learning about that... I might even learn Japanese with him. (He started learning it a while back.)


Personally, my favorite culture is the Egyptian culture. I used to have a couple friends there. They would get tired of me asking so many questions, so they'd just sent me pictures. :laughingsmiley: I actually named my kitten Cairo.

I have never had any pen pals. I can imagine, it must be great.

You are gonna learn Japanese?! That's so cool! Tell me a few words when you do so. I am going to brag in front of my friends that I know Japanese. lol

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I learned to say hello in Korean when I was little, because of Korean family I spent a lot of time with. I miss them. I tried learning Spanish, and failed. I'm a visual learner. That's why I did so well when I started teaching myself American Sign Language.


Japanese is a pretty language. We watch anime, in Japanese, with English subtitles. It sounds very cool. Where as German... not the most romantic language. (I'm German... always thought it would be cool to learn it.)

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I am sooo proud of myself. I shouldnt take the credit. I am surfing the Neoboards right now. God, they are soo annoying! Soooo many stupid/pointless/repeat/random posts! Grrr!

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The only foreign language I know is English. Though it's not that foreign language in India anymore. It has become as important as our other national languages.


I know some Indian ones like Hindi, Marathi, Oriya, Bengali, Sanskrit and much more. But in case of international languages, I am a big loser. :laughingsmiley:


I am sooo proud of myself. I shouldnt take the credit. I am surfing the Neoboards right now. God, they are soo annoying! Soooo many stupid/pointless/repeat/random posts! Grrr!

I know, the Neoboard is super annoying. All those chat speak and double or triple posting makes my head spin.

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I do know, first hand, English is bigger in India now. With my job, there's another half of it, we do the hands on stuff. The other half is monitored by a team in India. I talk to them here and there on an office messenger program.


Divy: Over-achiever. :laughingsmiley: I used to know a guy that annoyed me like crazy. He claimed he was more mature than me. (He was 12, I was 17. Seriously? a 12 yr old MALE being more mature than a 17 yr old female? unlikely :laughingsmiley: )


But he knew fluently: Spanish (His family was from Central America.) English, Portugese, Russian, American Sign Language, French, and something else. BLEH. :laughingsmiley:


I need to do visual. I learn better seeing than hearing.

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